Calls Needed to Help Bring More Meals to Young Kids

Published on Apr 23, 2019 in Child Nutrition, State Legislation, Young Children

Join us on April 30th to ask the State Assembly to support AB 842 (Limón). AB 842 passed out of the Assembly Committee on Education earlier in April with a unanimous vote of support. Now the bill is up for discussion in the Assembly Committee on Appropriations. We need your support to help move the bill out of committee and onto the Assembly floor for a vote. Join us in asking the Assembly Appropriations Committee to move the bill!


On April 30th, activate your network to call and/or email the following Assemblymembers. Prioritize your outreach to Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego), the Chair of the Committee on Appropriations. This should take you just a few minutes.


Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez (D-80) 916.319.2080

Please also spend a few minutes contacting your Assemblymember if they are listed below as members of the committee:


Sample script:


Hello. My name is ________. I live in ______, CA. I am calling to ask Assemblymember ______ to support AB 842 which would increase access to meals for low-income children in preschool and child care. I support AB 842 because [choose one or more of the following reasons or tell them your own]

  • All young children deserve equitable access to the basic resources that support their success, including meals.
  • No child should go hungry in a California public school, preschool, or child care program.
  • The state supports public schools in serving meals to low-income children, we should also extend support to preschool and child care providers.


Questions? Contact Melissa Cannon at 510.433.1122 ext 102, or visit


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