
SUN Bucks is Here!

**Traducido al Español abajo** SUN Bucks webpage and FAQ Good news! SUN Bucks cards have started being mailed out to families with school-aged children. SUN Bucks provides $120 in benefits on debit-like cards that can be used to buy food at grocery stores, supermarkets, farmers markets, and other stores [...]
Advocates and legislators hold signs that say "Food4All."

TAKE ACTION: Urge key elected officials to reject proposed delays to Food4All 55+

DON’T WAIT! TAKE ACTION NOW! The Governor’s May Revision to the 2024-2025 state budget proposes a two-year delay to the CFAP expansion for Californians ages 55 and older, regardless of immigration status. This delay continues the harm to California’s undocumented communities, who experience food insecurity at disproportionately high [...]

SB 1254 (Becker) Needs Your Support to Pass Assembly Appropriations

Now that SB 1254 (Becker) has passed out of its Assembly policy committees, the bill is up for discussion in the Assembly Appropriations Committee. Join us in asking the Appropriations Committee to move the bill onto the Floor and one step closer to ensuring people leaving jails or [...]

Final Budget Agreement Preserves Modest Investments in Food Assistance

Equitable, Sustainable Funding Still Needed to Address High Rates of Food Insecurity On Saturday, June 22, Governor Newsom and the Legislature announced a final agreement on the 2024-25 State Budget. Despite a significant funding shortfall next fiscal year, the budget includes limited but critical investments needed to address [...]

Advancing CA Food Security and Public Safety Through SB 1254

Advancing California Food Security and Public Safety Through SB 1254 As we celebrate a significant milestone in our mission to enhance food security and public safety in California, we are pleased to announce that SB 1254 has successfully passed the Senate floor and is now headed to the [...]

Legislature’s Budget Package Rejects Many of Governor’s Proposed Cuts to Food Assistance and Safety Net

FINAL DECISIONS ARE BEING MADE NOW!  Take Action Today in Support of Equitable Food Access for All Californians Overview Last week, the Assembly and Senate announced their joint 2024-25 budget package. The plan rejects many of Governor Newsom’s proposals to cut or delay key investments needed to address [...]
Advocates and legislators hold signs that say "Food4All."

TAKE ACTION: Urge Governor Newsom to reject proposed delays to Food4All 55+

DON’T WAIT! TAKE ACTION NOW! The Governor’s May Revision to the 2024-2025 state budget proposes a two-year delay to the CFAP expansion for Californians ages 55 and older, regardless of immigration status. This proposed delay continues the harm to California’s undocumented communities, who experience food insecurity at disproportionately [...]

SB 1254 (Becker) Passes Senate Floor, Moves on to Assembly!

Yesterday, SB 1254 (Becker) – The FRESH Act – passed the Senate Floor on a 33-5 vote.  The bill now moves on to the Assembly and is one step closer to ensuring people leaving jails or prisons have timely access to basic needs like food.  Nourish California and [...]

The History of the CalFresh Safe Drinking Water EBT Program

The History Of The CalFresh Safe Drinking Water EBT Program The CalFresh Safe Drinking Water Pilot launched in March 2022. But its history goes back to 2016, when Nourish California (known as California Food Policy Advocates at the time) worked in collaboration with partners to create a supplemental [...]

SB 1254 (Becker) Passes Senate Appropriations, Moves on to Senate Floor

Yesterday, SB 1254 (Becker) – The FRESH Act – passed the Senate Appropriations Committee on a 5-2 vote.  The bill now moves on to the Senate Floor and is one step closer to ensuring people leaving jails or prisons have timely access to basic needs like food. Thank [...]

Governor’s May Revision Proposes Additional Cuts to Food Assistance and Safety Net

*mensaje en español abajo* Overview On May 14, Governor Newsom released the details of the May Revision to his 2024-25 State Budget proposal, which proposed to cut or delay key investments needed to address the level of hunger, poverty, and inequity faced by Californians with low and moderate income. While [...]

SB 1254 (Becker) Needs Your Support to Pass Senate Appropriations

Now that SB 1254 (Becker) has passed out of its policy committees, the bill is up for discussion in the Senate Appropriations Committee. Join us in asking the Senate Appropriations Committee to move the bill on to the Senate Floor and one step closer to ensuring people leaving [...]

Exciting New Changes to the WIC Food Package

On April 9, 2024, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack unveiled the final food package rule for the Special Supplemental Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). This rule, along with full funding for the program in the 2024 budget, is an important update that will help young families [...]

Don’t Keep Us in Suspense!

Don’t Keep Us in Suspense! Explaining the California Legislature Appropriations Committees’ Suspense File We’re now at the point in the legislative session when a lot of bills have been or will soon be heard in their respective policy committees in their house of origin (e.g. the Human Services [...]

SB 1254 (Becker) Passes Senate Public Safety

Today, the Senate Public Safety Committee passed The FRESH Act (SB 1254), authored by Senator Josh Becker (D-Menlo Park). This bill allows and assists incarcerated individuals to pre-apply for CalFresh benefits 90 days prior to their release in order to better prepare them for a more successful re-entry. It taps [...]

Nourish California Staff Stands in Strong Solidarity with the Palestinians

Nourish California staff understand that hunger, poverty, and health inequities do not exist by chance. These are outcomes of the racism, white supremacy, and xenophobia built into our systems, structures, and policies, both past and present.   As an organization dedicated to ensuring that all Californians have access to [...]

Abiertas las votaciones para los Premios Freshy 2024

2024 Premios Freshy Abiertas las votaciones para los Premios Freshy 2024 Las nominaciones a los Premios Freshy 2024 ya están aquí y empezó la votación. Seleccionados en base a sus votos, los ganadores serán anunciados en el Foro CalFresh el 5/23/2024. Puede inscribirse en el Foro aquí. Estos [...]

Ang Pagboto para sa 2024 Freshy Awards ay Bukas Na!

2024 Freshy Awards Ang Pagboto para sa 2024 Freshy Awards ay Bukas Na! Ang mga nominasyon para sa 2024 Freshy Awards ay pumasok na at nagsimula na ang pagboto! Napili batay sa inyong mga boto, ang mga nanalo ay iaanunsyo sa CalFresh Forum sa 5/23/2024. Maaari kang magparehistro [...]

2024年度「 福來實」獎投票現已開啟!

2024年度「 福來實」獎投票現已開啟! 2024年度「 福來實」獎提名已收到,投票已經開始!根據您的投票選出的獲獎者將在2024年5月23日的CalFresh論壇上宣佈。您可以在此報名參加論壇。這些獎項旨在表彰在過去一年中為改善CalFresh而辛勤工作的加州個人和組織。 請在下方投票! 所有選票必須在4月30日星期二晚上12:00之前提交。 請注意,所有「 福來實」獎被提名者的內容均由提交提名的個人撰寫。Nourish California不以任何方式編輯、撰寫或篩選提名資訊。 有疑問?聯繫 calfreshforum@nourishca.org 2024年度「 福來實」獎投票 2024 Freshy Ballot Traditional 在此投票選出改善CalFresh的最佳表現。獲獎者將在2024年5月23日舉行的2024年CalFresh論壇上宣佈。 Step 1 of 6 16% 公務員 – 地方 地方一級公務員改善CalFresh的最佳表現被提名人。 Diego Fajardo,洛杉磯縣 – DPSS Diego Fajardo在洛杉磯縣公共社會服務部(DPSS)擔任CalFresh計劃 經理已有兩年。他負責與CalFresh計劃 相關的外展工作。Diego在DPSS的工作對提高CalFresh的參與率,尤其是大學生參與率發揮了重要作用。Diego是制定第1326號議會法案實施計劃 的主要負責人。他在促進與不同學校和利益相關者的合作以滿足社區需求和解決大學生糧食無保障問題方面有著良好的業績記錄。在他的努力下,參加CalFresh的學生人數從2022年2月的54,340人增加到2024年1月的71,992人。此外,他還負責監督該部與康普頓學院(Compton College)的數據共用協議,該協議有助於識別可能有資格參加CalFresh和其他社會服務計劃 的學生,透過康普頓學院開展的有針對性的外展工作,將他們與可用的計劃 和服務聯繫起來。Diego還與主要利益相關者建立了多個夥伴關係,並與多個社區組織(CBO)開展合作。他領導的團隊為有興趣成為申請協助者的各種組織開展培訓,向他們提供高水準的CalFresh政策要求、計劃 資源、可用的食品激勵計劃 以及如何使用BenefitsCal CBO帳戶代表客戶提交申請。自2023年1月以來,共舉辦了13次申請協助者培訓;84個組織和174名個人接受了培訓。Diego是CalFresh計劃 科團隊和該部的寶貴成員。 您對「 公務員 – 地方」的投票(Required) Diego [...]


2024年度”福来实”奖投票现已开启! 2024年度”福来实”奖提名已收到,投票已经开始!根据您的投票选出的获奖者将在2024年5月23日的CalFresh论坛上宣布。您可以在此报名参加论坛。这些奖项旨在表彰在过去一年中为改善CalFresh而辛勤工作的加州个人和组织。 请在下方投票! 所有选票必须在4月30日星期二晚上12:00之前提交。 请注意,所有”福来实”奖被提名者的内容均由提交提名的个人撰写。Nourish California不以任何方式编辑、撰写或筛选提名信息。 有疑问?联系 calfreshforum@nourishca.org 2024年度”福来实”奖投票 2024 Freshy Ballot Simplified 在此投票选出改善CalFresh的最佳表现。获奖者将在2024年5月23日举行的2024年CalFresh论坛上宣布。 Step 1 of 6 16% 公务员 – 地方 地方一级公务员改善CalFresh的最佳表现被提名人。 Diego Fajardo,洛杉矶县 – DPSS Diego Fajardo在洛杉矶县公共社会服务部(DPSS)担任CalFresh计划经理已有两年。他负责与CalFresh计划相关的外展工作。Diego在DPSS的工作对提高CalFresh的参与率,尤其是大学生参与率发挥了重要作用。Diego是制定第1326号议会法案实施计划的主要负责人。他在促进与不同学校和利益相关者的合作以满足社区需求和解决大学生粮食无保障问题方面有着良好的业绩记录。在他的努力下,参加CalFresh的学生人数从2022年2月的54,340人增加到2024年1月的71,992人。此外,他还负责监督该部与康普顿学院(Compton College)的数据共享协议,该协议有助于识别可能有资格参加CalFresh和其他社会服务计划的学生,通过康普顿学院开展的有针对性的外展工作,将他们与可用的计划和服务联系起来。Diego还与主要利益相关者建立了多个伙伴关系,并与多个社区组织(CBO)开展合作。他领导的团队为有兴趣成为申请协助者的各种组织开展培训,向他们提供高水平的CalFresh政策要求、计划资源、可用的食品激励计划以及如何使用BenefitsCal CBO账户代表客户提交申请。自2023年1月以来,共举办了13次申请协助者培训;84个组织和174名个人接受了培训。Diego是CalFresh计划科团队和该部的重要成员。 您对”公务员 – 地方”的投票(Required) Diego Fajardo 选择一个 全州倡导者 全州倡导者改善CalFresh最佳表现被提名人。 Gabby Davidson,加州食品银行协会 “Gabby每天都在诠释反饥饿倡导者的意义。在过去的一年中,她与他人共同推动了Californians4SSI联盟,大胆倡导增加社会安全生活补助金(SSI)领取者的福利,通过AB 712 (Carrillo), SB 600 (Menjivar), AB [...]

2024 Freshy Award Voting Now Open

The 2024 Freshy Awards 2024 Freshy Award Voting Now Open! Abiertas las votaciones para los Premios Freshy 2024 Ang Pagboto para sa 2024 Freshy Awards ay Bukas Na! 2024年度「 福來實」獎投票現已開啟! 2024年度”福来实”奖投票现已开启! The 2024 Freshy Award nominations are in and voting has begun! Selected based on your votes, the [...]


2024年CalFresh論壇 5月23日 2024年CalFresh論壇報名啟動! 每一年,備受期待的CalFresh論壇都將彙集來自全州的數百名主要利益攸關者,表彰傑出工作、尋求發展機會和探討有關如何擴大CalFresh覆蓋面與影響力的策略方針。 Nourish California很榮幸與加州社會服務部CalFresh分部合作舉辦為期一天的2024年Calfresh論壇。 舉辦時間:5月23日上午9:00至下午3:30 上午9:00開始簽到,上午10:00致歡迎詞 舉辦地點:聖約瑟女子俱樂部和Whova虛擬平臺 本次活動將分為互動環節、面對面和虛擬分組討論環節,及Freshy Award年度頒獎環節。我們的諮詢委員會幫助確定了各個環節的主題內容,包括大學生許可權、Food4All(加州食物援助計劃)的實施以及新的Calfresh宣傳機會! 在下方報名 Whova 報名費用及詳情 今年我們將提供三種報名方式: 早鳥報名 報名者可享受: 5月22日在聖約瑟參加現場聯誼會 5月23日論壇期間的早餐和午餐簡餐 兩項引人入勝的活動內容 Freshy Awards年度頒獎典禮 透過Whova平臺預先參與 正常時間報名 報名者可享受: 以上所有項目(5月22日的現場聯誼會除外) 報名虛擬會議 報名者可享受: Whova虛擬平臺全程現場直播 可選擇透過虛擬平臺參與的兩場分組會議 透過Whova平臺預先參與 *可根據要求提供全額費用減免的折扣代碼;無需申請或回答問題 – calfreshforum@nourishca.org   在此報名 Powered By WhovaEvent registration software Was this resource helpful? Please consider supporting Nourish California’s [...]

Bukas na ang pagpaparehistro ng 2024 na CalFresh Forum

2024 CalFresh Forum Mayo 23, 2024 Bukas na ang pagpaparehistro ng 2024 na CalFresh Forum! Bawat taon, ang pinaka-inaasahang CalFresh Forum ay nagtitipon-tipon ng daan-daang mga pangunahing stakeholder mula sa buong estado upang kilalanin ang bukod-tanging gawain, tukuyin ang mga pagkakataon, at talakayin ang mga estratehiya upang mapabuti [...]

La inscripción al Foro CalFresh de 2024

Foro CalFresh 2024 23 de mayo de 2024 ¡La inscripción al Foro CalFresh de 2024 está abierta! Cada año, el muy esperado Foro CalFresh reúne a cientos de partes interesadas clave de todo el estado para reconocer el trabajo sobresaliente, identificar oportunidades y discutir estrategias para mejorar el [...]


2024年CalFresh论坛 5月23日 2024年CalFresh论坛现已开放报名! 每一年,备受期待的CalFresh论坛都将汇集来自全州的数百名主要利益相关者,表彰杰出工作、寻求发展机会和探讨有关如何扩大CalFresh覆盖面与影响力的策略方案。 Nourish California很荣幸与加州社会服务部CalFresh分部合作举办为期一天的2024年Calfresh论坛。 举办时间:5月23日上午9:00至下午3:30 上午9:00开始签到,上午10:00致欢迎词 举办地点:圣何塞女子俱乐部和Whova虚拟平台 本次活动将分为互动环节、面对面和虚拟分组讨论环节,及Freshy Award年度颁奖环节。我们的咨询委员会帮助确定了各个环节的主题内容,包括大学生权限、Food4All(加州食品援助计划)的实施以及新的Calfresh宣传机会! 在下方报名 Whova 报名费用及详情 今年我们将提供三种报名方式: 早鸟报名 活动内容包括: 5月22日在圣何塞参加现场联谊会 5月23日论坛期间的早餐和午餐简餐 两项引人入胜的活动内容 Freshy Awards年度颁奖典礼 通过Whova平台预先参与 正常时间报名 活动内容包括: 以上所有项目(5月22日的现场联谊会除外) 报名虚拟会议 活动内容包括: Whova虚拟平台全程现场直播 可选择通过虚拟平台参与的两场分组会议 通过Whova平台预先参与 *可根据要求提供全额费用减免的折扣代码;无需申请或回答问题 – calfreshforum@nourishca.org   在此报名 Powered By WhovaEvent registration software Was this resource helpful? Please consider supporting Nourish California’s [...]
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