Final push to #FundFoodwithCare!

Published on May 25, 2018 in Young Children

We only have a small window of time to fight for funding in the state budget to feed young children in child care. Over the last few weeks subcommittees in the Senate and Assembly made proposals for what to fund in the state budget. Although the Senate Subcommittee on Education did not advance a recommendation to #FundFoodWithCare, the Assembly Subcommittee on Education did!

Now the Assembly and Senate are working out their differences through a Budget Conference Committee. This small group of legislators will consider whether to adopt the Assembly’s funding proposal and include it in the final budget sent to the Governor. They have until June 7th to come to an agreement. From there, the Governor has until the end of June to sign and pass the budget.

ALL STATE BUDGET CONFEREES NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU TODAY that funding healthy meals in child care should be a priority. Action could be taken as soon as May 30th, so please reach out today- and as often as possible until June 6. Click here for tools to take action.

Questions? Contact Melissa Cannon at 510.433.1122 ext 102


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