Summer Lunch In The News

Published on Jun 28, 2011 in Child Nutrition, School-Aged Children

6.28.2011 Check out local media coverage of California Food Policy Advocates’annual report about the trends in summer nutrition.  School’s Out… Who Ate? 2011 was released by CFPA in June, calling on policymakers to commit more resources to summer school and summer enrichment programs. The Los Angeles Times covered the topic in a June 16th article PDF

In addition, two local news pieces aired on NBC and CBS, providing a window into the challenges facing families on the ground.  

Summer Meals Programs Clip on NBC link

Additional coverage on CBS link

LAUSD took the rare step of requiring most schools to offer free meals. Read this memo on the district’s strategy. link  

Call 2-1-1 or go to the California Department of Education’s website page to find your nearest summer meal location. link

Read CFPA’s full School’s Out…Who Ate? 2011 report. PDF




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