12.19.2011This report is an analysis of grants awarded by the California Department of Education from 2005-2009 for schools to improve School Breakfast Programs. Since 1990, the California Department of Education (CDE) has awarded competitive grants, up to $15,000 per school site, to public school districts, direct funded charter schools, and county superintendents of school for the one-time-only equipment, outreach, and training costs associated with starting or expanding the School Breakfast Program (SBP) or Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). CFPA analyzed a sample of SBP grants awarded from 2005-06 SY through 2008-09 SY. The purpose of this analysis was to assess the impact of the grants on access, participation, and nutritional quality in the School Breakfast Program at recipient sites.
This report details the results of the grant analysis, which included interviews with district Nutrition Services Directors regarding grant award details, meal quality and appeal, and an assessment of school-level participation data that were collected before and after the grants were awarded.