10.1.2012 CFPA’s process to invite stakeholders to form a coalition began by identifying a small group of organizations who conduct CalFresh outreach and enrollment. The Coalition was named Nutrition for Los Angeles Families (NFLAF). Members of NFLAF are a diverse group of organizations and individuals from across Los Angeles County. One or two staff members from the following organizations are contributing to the efforts of the coalition since we first gathered in September 2012. The core partners include:
- Community Health Councils
- Daughters of Charity
- Hunger Action Los Angeles
- Jewish Family Services of Los Angeles
- Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
- Maternal and Child Health Access
- North East Valley Health Corporation: WIC
As a team, NFLAF successfully accomplished 1) identification of problems and potential categories of solutions 2) coordinated Coalition requests to Los Angeles Department of Public Social Services (LA DPSS), 3) gathered detailed information from child care and healthcare providers about CalFresh baseline activities, and 4) increased Coalition members’awareness of CalFresh “modernization” opportunities and capacity to advocate for DPSS to modernize CalFresh.
Regarding the Coalition’s identification of problems and solutions, NFLAF has preliminarily flagged promising approaches to increase CalFresh participation:
- Strengthening Promotional and Marketing Activities
- Standardizing Enrollment Procedures and Policies
- Ensuring Consistent Customer Service Countywide
- Sustaining Participation by Retaining Participants
Questions? Contact Yolanda Anguiano at yolanda@cfpa.net or 213.482.8200 ext. 202