8.14.2013 You can take action now to support low-income Californians and strengthen the connection between CalFresh and Medi-Cal. AB 191 Strengthening the Connection between CalFresh and Medi-Cal was sent to the Senate Appropriations Committee suspense file on Monday, August 12 because of a potential fiscal impact cited in the committee’s analysis. CFPA and Assemblymember Bocanegra’s office will take all possible steps working with the committee staff to help move AB 191 out of suspense and to the Senate Floor.
The Appropriations Committee will decide which bills come off of suspense before the end of the month. Let’s make sure the committee makes the right decision about AB 191!
Next Steps: Voice Your Support for AB 191!
Now is the time to remind members of the Appropriations Committee that you support AB 191. If you’ve already submitted a letter of support, please call members of the committee and tell them that AB 191 should become a law.
CFPA has prepared talking points to address the fiscal concerns raised in the committee’s analysis. Please use these talking points to persuade members of the Appropriations Committee and to increase support for the bill throughout your community.
Check out the AB 191 fiscal talking points. PDF
Read the Senate Appropriations Committee’s analysis of AB 191. link
Find contact information for Senate Appropriations Committee members. link
Visit our AB 191 page.
Questions? Please contact Alexis Fernández at 510.433.1122 ext. 111