CA Democratic Caucus Releases Budget Blueprint

Published on Dec 11, 2013 in CalFresh, Child Nutrition, Young Children

12.11.2013 Today, on behalf of the California State Assembly Democratic Caucus, Speaker John A. Pérez released a “Blueprint for a Responsible Budget: Ensuring Stability, Expanding Opportunity.” The blueprint outlines a series of state investments, including the restoration of previous cuts to some education and safety-net services. Many components of the proposed budget framework would strengthen critical supports for low-income individuals and families. Of particular interest to CFPA is the focus on reducing child poverty across California and investing in high-quality early education. 

CFPA hopes that the State Legislature will recognize high-quality early education can set children on a path to life-long health and well-being. With the 2014-15 state budget, our leaders have the opportunity to ensure that California’s youngest children have access to healthy meals.

CFPA is encouraged by the blueprint’s proposed food benefit payment, or CalFresh “add-on,” for children enrolled in CalWORKs. This change would help to protect California’s poorest children from the detrimental effects of food insecurity.  

CFPA applauds the Democratic Caucus for their attention to child poverty and early education. We will be tracking the impact of the blueprint on budget negotiations. CFPA is committed to ensuring that the 2014-15 state budget supports low-income Californians, their health, and their access to nutritious, affordable food.

Take a look at the “Blueprint for a Responsible Budget.” link

CFPA’s Child Care Nutrition page. link

CFPA’s CalFresh page. link

Questions? Contact Alexis Fernández at 510.433.1122 ext. 111


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