Virtual CalFresh Forum

2022 Live CalFresh Forum Agenda


9:30 AM  Nourish California Welcome - Recording link


10:00 AM CalFresh Look Ahead to 2022 - Recording link  - starts at the 9-minute mark

Presentation Slides


11:00 AM Break



11:15 AM Morning Breakout Sessions:


Food4All Immigrants: No Exceptions. No Exclusions.  (Con interpretación en español)

2022 CalFresh State Legislation, 

College CalFresh Access


12:00 PM Lunch


12:30 PM Afternoon Small Group Discussions & Networking


CalFresh Barriers & Opportunities: Immigrants, LGBTQI, and Justice Impacted 

 (Con interpretación en español)

ESAP Implementation: What this means for Older Adults &What’s Next?



1:30 PM Freshy Award Presentation - Recording link


2:00 PM Afternoon Keynote & Closing -Recording link begins at the 33-minute mark

Presentation Slides



2022 CalFresh Forum


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