SB 1254 (Becker) Needs Your Support to Pass Assembly Appropriations

Published on Jul 19, 2024 in Adults, CalFresh, Older Adults, State Legislation

Now that SB 1254 (Becker) has passed out of its Assembly policy committees, the bill is up for discussion in the Assembly Appropriations Committee. Join us in asking the Appropriations Committee to move the bill onto the Floor and one step closer to ensuring people leaving jails or prisons have timely access to basic needs like food.

Here are two easy ways to support SB 1254:

1) Call and/or Email These Senators

  1. Assemblymember Buffy Wicks (D-14) (916) 319-2014
  2. Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas (D-29) (916) 319-2029

Please also contact your own Assemblymember if you have time (find your rep here):

Sample script:

Hi, my name is _____ and I live in ______. I’m calling to urge Assemblymember ______ to support SB 1254, a bill that will allow people leaving jails or prisons to pre-enroll in CalFresh. Please support SB 1254 in Assembly Appropriations. Thank you.

  • Food insecurity is one of the most significant challenges faced by those  previously incarcerated individuals  upon re-entry.
  • SB 1254, The FRESH Act, removes unnecessary barriers to re-entry. In doing so, it helps reduce food insecurity in California and builds upon existing work in effectively connecting individuals with state services. 

2) Show your support on social media!

Tweet or post your support and tag key members, especially Appropriations Chair Buffy Wicks (@BuffyWicks) and Speaker Robert Rivas (@CASpeakerRivas) Sample tweets:

Questions? Contact Kameron Mims Jones, Senior Policy Advocate,