California ABAWD Waiver Extended through 2017

Published on Feb 4, 2016 in Adults, CalFresh

2.04.2016 Today the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) CalFresh Branch announced through an All County Information Notice (ACIN) that the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) has approved California’s request for a nearly two-year extension of the statewide waiver of the three-month time limit for CalFresh benefits for Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs). This means that the time limit rule will continue to be waived statewide through December 31, 2017. CDSS is to be commended for securing this important waiver extension which will provide crucial time for counties and clients to prepare for the return of the rule.

As part of 1996 welfare reform, ABAWDs were restricted to 3 months of CalFresh benefits within a 36-month period unless he/she satisfies the ABAWD work requirement or meets an exemption. Because this provision denies basic food assistance to people who want to work and will accept any job or work program slot offered, it is effectively a severe time limit rather than a work requirement. Waivers of the rule are allowed in states or areas with high unemployment, and are crucial to reducing the negative impact on CalFresh clients who would otherwise be at risk of losing their benefits.

With the economy improving, statewide waivers of this rule are likely to be unavailable beyond 2017. It is important that state and local administrators take a proactive and timely approach to the upcoming return of the ABAWD time limit, so that California can get in front of these significant changes. Planning activities should focus on mitigating client harm and reducing instances where CalFresh clients lose benefits due to the time limit.

Read the All County Information Notice. PDF

Learn more about the return of the three-month time limit from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. PDF

Questions? Contact Jared Call at 213.482.8200 ext. 201



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