New Report: Local School Wellness Policy in California

Published on Jan 8, 2016 in Child Nutrition, School-Aged Children

01.08.2016 A recently released survey of over 300 California public school principals and school/district administrators sheds new light on the status of Local School Wellness Policy

(LSWP) implementation and practice in California. A LSWP is a written policy intended to guide school district’s efforts to establish a school climate that supports student wellbeing through healthy eating and physical activity.

There are several key findings from the survey regarding nutrition and healthy eating, including:

  • The second highest priority for school wellness efforts was nutrition (following mental health).
  • Six out of ten respondents reported that they don’t allow marketing or promotion of any food or drinks.
  • Respondents reported sale of regular soda (4%), sports drinks (18%), and flavored milk (70%) on campus during school hours.
  • 1 in 4 respondents reported insufficient water access, which would not meet state requirements.

Learn more about the survey and the recommendations for California: Summary. PDF | Full Report. PDF

The survey was conducted as part of the evaluation work of the California Local School Wellness Policy Collaborative, of which the California Food Policy Advocates (CFPA) is a recent member. The survey was administered by California Project LEAN, working with the California School Boards Association (CSBA), the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA), the California Department of Education (CDE), and the Dairy Council of California.

Questions? Contact Anna Colby at 213-482-8200 ext. 204


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