AB 164 Sample Calls, Tweets and Email

Published on May 15, 2017 in CalFresh, State Legislation

Take one step further after sending a letter of support!

Sample Calls

Senator Ricardo Lara, Chair, Senate Appropriations Committee: (916) 651- 4033

“Hi, I’m calling to express support for Assemblymember Arambula’s AB 164, which is currently in Senate Appropriations. I urge Senator Lara to support AB 164’s flexible, adaptable and cost-effective mechanism to provide food assistance through the existing CalFresh EBT system when federal assistance is unavailable or inadequate. AB 164 helps to strengthen the state’s ability to provide for our own in a time of great federal instability.”

Sample Tweets

Sample Email

Send to Debra.Cooper@sen.ca.gov, Megan.Baier@sen.ca.govcc Marla.Cowan@asm.ca.gov; Tracey@cfpa.net

Dear Chairman Lara,

[I am/Name of your organization is] writing in support of AB 164 (Arambula), legislation will create the framework for California Food Assistance to be provided through the CalFresh EBT system if federal assistance does not meet California’s needs. AB 164 is currenlty in the Senate Appropriations Suspense file.

I support AB 164 because it will improve California’s ability to efficiently respond to the nutritional needs of low-income Californians. A flexible mechanism for California Food Assistance in the CalFresh system allows the State to effectively and efficiently respond when needed. AB 164 provides California with a cost-effective “tool in the toolbox” to fight hunger, promote health and mitigate poverty.

[Add any personal reasons here]

Now is the time for California to be proactive. There is a great deal of instability in federal policy right now, and we cannot predict how this will affect California’s most vulnerable, including our immigrant residents. We should enable state leadership to effectively respond to the nutrition needs of Californians. AB 164 allows California to promote health and mitigate harm, in line with California values. We urge you to support AB 164.

Thank you,

[Your name]

[Your organization, or for individuals, your mailing address]

To learn more, visit CFPA’s AB 164 page.

Sign-up to receive AB 164 legislative updates. link

Questions: Contact Tracey Patterson at 510.433.1122 ext 101, or tracey@cfpa.net


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