1.29.2018 The basics costs of raising a family in California often far exceed the annual income of full-time working parents. With limited resources, low-income families are commonly forced to make tough decisions between basic necessities – electricity or groceries? Despite an increase to California’s minimum wage and an improving economy, the lowest paying jobs in the labor force have seen stagnated wages and inconsistent full time work availability. Nutrition assistance can help, according to a new report released today by California Food Policy Advocates (CFPA).
The report, BETTER TOGETHER: Optimizing Nutrition Access
During the Earliest Years, sets forth a vision and policy recommendations for increasing young families’ access to nutrition resources.
View CDSS’s newly released data showing WIC and CalFresh dual enrollment rates by county.
Questions? Contact Elyse Homel Vitale at 510.433.1122 ext. 206