AB 1240 on Suspense in Assembly Appropriations

Published on May 13, 2015 in Child Nutrition, School-Aged Children, State Legislation

5.13.2015 Today AB 1240 (Bonta & Thurmond), the Breakfast After the Bell bill, was placed on suspense in the Assembly Committee on Appropriations. A bill is placed on suspense if its analysis shows a fiscal impact (i.e. a cost to the State). On May 29, the Assembly Committee on Appropriations will vote on all of the bills in the suspense file. If a bill is voted out of suspense, it proceeds to the Assembly floor for a vote by the entire house. CFPA is working with Committee members and staff to ensure that AB 1240 lives on!

Read the Committee’s AB 1240 fiscal analysis. link

AB 1240 calls for practical changes that will improve access to school breakfast on thousands of campuses across the state, ensuring that more California kids are prepared to learn, grow, and achieve each school day.

Take Action: Submit a letter of support for AB 1240 to the Chair of the Committee on Appropriations, Assemblymember Jimmy Gomez, before Friday May 22.

AB 1240 Sample Support Letter. doc

Learn more by visiting CFPA’s AB 1240 page

Sign-up to receive AB 1240 legislative updates. link

Questions? Contact Tia Shimada at 510.433.1122 ext. 109 or tia@cfpa.net


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