AB 1872 (Alejo) Passes the Senate!

Published on Aug 29, 2012 in Child Nutrition, State Legislation, Young Children

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8.29.2012 AB 1872 Improving Child Care Nutrition passed the Senate yesterday with a floor vote of 23-13! The bill, sets the same minimum nutrition standard for foods served in licensed family day care homes as is currently required in all licensed child care centers and requires licensing authorities to inform all child care providers about the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), will head to the Assembly today for concurrence on the amendments taken in the Senate.

We thank you for your continued support as the bill makes its way toward the Governor’s desk. CFPA will keep you up to date on AB 1872’s progress and will be sending out information regarding next steps and opportunities to take action shortly.

Learn more about AB 1872. link
Questions? Contact Ellen at 510.301.0824 or Elyse at 858.449.3597


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