AB 2054 (Thurmond) Moves Forward!

Published on Mar 30, 2016 in Child Nutrition, School-Aged Children, State Legislation

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3.30.2016 Yesterday, in a busy hearing of the Assembly Human Services Committee, AB 2054 (Thurmond) passed with unanimous, bi-partisan support on consent. Our thanks to Assemblymember Thurmond for championing this critical issue and to all of the bill’s supporters for lending their voices to this important change.

Summer is an especially vulnerable time for low-income children. When school is out, kids lose access to essential resources like healthy, affordable school meals. AB 2054 (Thurmond) will fight child hunger by preparing California to implement Summer EBT for Children (SEBTC), a model proven to prevent food insecurity and improve the quality of children’s diets.

Have you submitted a letter of support for AB 2054? There’s still time! Download a customizable sample letter and instructions for submitting your support. doc

Read more about AB 2054 and fighting hunger with Summer EBT for Children. link


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