Senate Ed Votes to Support More Meals for Young Kids

Published on Jul 12, 2019 in Child Nutrition, State Legislation, Young Children

AB 842 (Limón) passed out of the Senate Ed Committee on July 9th with a unanimous vote of support! AB 842 would increase access to healthy meals for low-income children in preschool and child care. A big thank you to Assemblymember Limón for championing this bill, to our co-sponsors at California State PTA, and to all of you for demonstrating support! Next, AB 842 will head to the Senate Committee on Appropriations where the bill will need your continued advocacy.



AB 842 has been scheduled for an August 12th hearing date in the Senate Standing Committee on Appropriations where members of the committee will examine the bill for its fiscal impact. Because of the cost associated with the bill it will automatically be referred to the committee’s suspense file. The suspense file is a holding place for bills with fiscal impacts above a specified amount. During the weeks leading up and following the August 12th hearing date we will be coordinating advocacy efforts that target members of the appropriations committee to help move the bill out of the suspense file and to the senate floor for a vote. During this critical time we will need your help to move the bill.

Help AB 842 Clear its Next Legislative Hurdle, Activate Your Network to Call These Key Senators On August 12th:

On August 12th, call and activate your network to call members of the Senate Appropriations Committee. Prioritize your outreach to Senator Anthony Portantino, Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee. Next, call your senator if they are also listed below as a member of the committee. This should take you just a few minutes!

Sample script:

Hello. My name is ________. I live in ______, CA. I am calling to ask the Senator to vote yes on AB 842, a bill currently being considered in the Senate Appropriations Committee. AB 842, authored by Assemblymember Limón, will give low-income children attending preschool or child care at a California public school guaranteed access to a meal. I believe that all children living in poverty and attending a California public school deserve nutritious meals, no matter how old they are or what grade they are in. Thank you.

Sample tweets:


  • #AB842 by @AsmMoniqueLimon means we feed all kids no matter if they are in preschool or high school. Asking for your support @portantino to help CA students reach their full potential. #HungerFreePreschool
  • We need #AB842 by @AsmMoniqueLimon because no child should go hungry in a CA public school. Asking for your support @portantino to give our youngest students a fair shot at success.
  • Food is fundamental to success & learning. No child should go without, no matter where they go to school or what grade they are in. @portantino asking for your support on #AB842 by @AsmMoniqueLimon


Sample memes:



Questions? Contact Melissa Cannon at 510.433.1122 ext 102, or visit


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