CACFP State Budget Item – Call Your Senator TODAY!

Published on Jun 5, 2012 in Child Nutrition, Young Children

6.5.2012 Within larger state budget discussions members of the state legislature are making final decisions regarding the proposed elimination of the state meal reimbursement for non-public child care center and agencies that participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program.

We are feeling hopeful that members of the Assembly have heard our call to protect these state meal reimbursement funds and we’re now ramping up efforts to focus on members of the Senate. Support from Senator Steinberg, Senator Leno, Senator Liu and Senator Padilla, among others, would help in furthering these efforts. There is speculation that these decisions will be made in the next 24-48 hours.

Take Action Immediately!
In addition to calling your local Senator, please call Senator Steinberg, Senator Leno, Senator Liu and Senator Padilla TODAY and let them know that:

“The proposed cut to the state meal reimbursement for most non-public child care centers and agencies would severely impact the quality of child care in California. Please oppose these cuts and preserve child care agencies’ability to provide nutritious meals and snacks to low-income children across California.”

Learn More About the Proposed $10.4 Million Cut:
Analysis of Child Care Budget Cuts. link
Torlakson Rejects Proposed Child Care Budget Cuts. link

Find your Senator. link

Office of Senator Steinberg, President Pro Tempore, 916.651.4006
Office of Senator Leno, Chair Senate Budget Committee, 916.651.4003
Office of Senator Liu, Chair Senate Human Services Committee, 916.651.4020
Office of Senator Padilla, Chair, Latino Caucus, 916.651.4020

Questions? Contact Elyse Homel Vitale at 619.501.8248


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