12.9.2011 As a result of AB 6 (Fuentes) recently signed by Governor Brown, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has released an All County Letter (ACL) providing county guidance regarding the immediate elimination of the fingerprint and photo requirement for all CalFresh households starting on January 1st, 2012.
This is a great step forward in improving client access to CalFresh! Advocates from across the state have worked diligently for the last 10 years to make this improvement possible and we are excited to start working on supporting community efforts to effectively communcate this change to clients.
As described in the ACL, the elimination of the fingerprint requirement applies to all CalFresh households, including those households receiving cash aide (e.g. CalWORKs benefits). While the fingerprint requirement remains for CalWORKs, CDSS did a great job emphasizing that CalFresh benefits shall not be denied or delayed due to a lack of a fingerprint or photo required through any other program.
Take a look at guidance offered in the ACL. link
AB 6 (Fuentes), which was signed by the Governor on October 6th, 2011, eliminates the fingerprint image requirement for all CalFresh households, moves California to a semi-annual reporting system for both CalWORKs and CalFresh and will result in the implementation of a “Heat and Eat” program.