Great News: CA Voters Pass Prop 30!

Published on Nov 7, 2012 in State Legislation

11.7.2012 With the results of yesterday’s election confirmed, CFPA is pleased to learn that California voters passed Proposition 30, Governor Brown’s tax initiative to raise revenue, support state education, and help to balance the state budget. CFPA has supported Prop 30 as a reasonable short-term revenue solution at a time when state budget cuts frequently target  social services and safety net programs that are critical to low-income Californians.

Prop 30 will temporarily raise the state sales tax for all Californians and increase the personal income tax rate for upper-income taxpayers, bringing in $6 million in additional annual state revenue through 2017.  We hope this revenue will support a balanced state budget, which is critical in order to make significant investments in nutrition. As an organization dedicated to improving the health and well-being of low-income Californians, CFPA applauds initiatives like Prop 30 that produce revenue while reducing the  impact on low-income communities that have been negatively affected by the economic downturn.

Learn more about why CFPA supported Prop 30 link



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