House Budget Sets up Tax Cuts for Wealthy by Slashing Funding for Low-Income Programs

Published on Oct 6, 2017 in Federal Advocacy

10.06.17 Yesterday, the House passed its FY 18 Budget Resolution along a party-line vote of 219-206. This was this first step in setting up a fast-track approval process not needing bipartisan support to advance a package of major tax cuts that would primarily benefit wealthy households and large corporations. In order to pay for those tax cuts, the plan proposes cuts to critical programs that help California families and our economy, including health coverage, nutrition assistance, basic income assistance for poor seniors and people with disabilities, and tax credits for low-income working families.

Read more about the budget proposal’s cuts to specific programs serving low- and moderate-income Californians here.

What’s next in the process?

The Senate Budget Committee just passed its version of the budget resolution, also on a party-line vote. The two resolutions share the same basic intent: enacting massive tax cuts largely for the wealthy and profitable corporations at the expense of low- and middle-income Americans.

The full Senate is expected to pass its resolution the week of October 16-20. At that point the Senate and House will quickly create a conference committee to resolve the differences between their budget resolution and agree on one budget resolution that can be used to create the fast-track, partisan process for the tax package.

What can Californians do now?

CFPA commends the members of the California Congressional Delegation who voted against these harmful proposals which will exacerbate the hunger and poverty affecting an alarming 1 in 5 Californians. We urge constituents to reach out and thank those members for voting to protect vulnerable Californians from cuts to important programs that help provide food, housing, healthcare, and other vital services for low-income children, families, and seniors.

The fourteen California representatives who voted for the resolution need to hear from their constituents who oppose these harmful tax plans. Call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or click here to find your Representative and to express your opposition to the House Budget that sets up a process to cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations that would force even deeper cuts to programs that help everyday Californians put food on the table, make ends meet, and get ahead.

Our partners at the California Budget & Policy Center have prepared district Fact Sheets for the fourteen House members who voted “yes” on the House Budget. You can cite these district-level figures on public services and local social and economic conditions in your communications with your Representative.

Here is a brief sample script you can use:

Instead of tax cuts that help those who need it the least, Rep. ____ should work to advance tax policies that invest in working families, while ensuring that tax cuts are paid for by closing tax loopholes or other responsible tax changes. With the highest poverty rate in the nation, California should be leading the way to protect and strengthen vital programs and services that millions of working families, children, seniors, and people with disabilities rely on to live healthy successful lives.

Stay tuned for further calls to action by signing up for CFPA’s Nutrition Action Alerts. link

Questions? Contact: Jared Call at 213.482.8200 ext 201


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