4.26.2012 Today the Senate Agriculture Committee marked-up it’s 2012 Farm Bill proposal and last week the House Agriculture Committee endorsed the Reconciliation Act of 2012. Both actions propose massive cuts to SNAP (in addition to previous House proposals to cut and block grant SNAP funding). Although the House and Senate proposals differ, both include provisions that would hurt low-income Californians eligible for CalFresh such as the elimination or restriction of the “Heat and Eat” option, elimination of “Categorical Eligibility,” and prematurely ending the boost in CalFresh benefit allotments implemented under the stimulus package (ARRA).
CFPA urges California’s Congressional leaders to vote against the draft proposals if these harmful provisions remain. While these proposals are still in draft form, the Senate Agriculture Committee is meeting as this alert goes out (4/26). We encourage supporters and partners to weigh-in as soon as possible on this important issue.
CFPA Letter to California’s House Delegation. PDF
CFPA Letter to Senator’s Feinstein and Boxer. PDF
For more information on the draft proposals:
Senate Agriculture Committee proposal. link
FRAC analysis of Senate proposal. PDF
House Agriculture Reconciliation Act of 2012 proposal. PDF
CBPP’s analysis of proposal. link
Share Our Strength’s Statement. link
Read CFPA’s sign-on letter in support of “Heat and Eat”. link