11.4.11 Each year CFPA honors Californians that have made a unique and significant contribution to the advancement of CalFresh. Whether working at the state or local level, past winners have all taken action to improve access to and participation in CalFresh. They represent administrators, policymakers, advocates, community based organizations and more.

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Nominate Someone Today for the 2012 "Freshy" Awards!
Published on Nov 4, 2011 in CalFresh
We are accepting “Freshy” nominations until December 16th, 2011.
Please complete the nomination form and include a detailed description of the actions taken by the nominee in the last year to improve CalFresh. Once the nomination process is closed we will circulate a ballot with the nominees and a short description of their contributions. We will then open the voting process.
The “Freshy” award winners will be announced at the 2012 CalFresh Forum on February 8th, 2012.
Submit a nomination. link