Refreshing Your Local School Wellness Policy Workshop

Published on Jan 17, 2017 in Child Nutrition, School-Aged Children

01.17.17 Are you interested in learning how district Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs) can support school nutrition? Attend the Refreshing Your Local School Wellness Policy workshop!link This workshop is designed to provide participants with practical strategies for updating/creating and monitoring effective school wellness policies. Training emphasis will also include the role of LCAPs for supporting and sustaining school wellness policy activities.

You will learn more about the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and how school districts across California have leveraged nutrition services to meet their school district’s education priorities. Walk away with tools and resources to gain support and buy-in from the administrators within your own school district leveraging the LCAP development process.

The Refreshing Your Local School Wellness Policy workshop is hosted as part of the SNAP-Ed Evidence Based Interventions Trainings and in collaboration with the California Local School Wellness Policy Collaborative.

For more information, visit the Refreshing Your Local School Wellness Policy workshop page. link

Register today! Space is limited! link

Learn more about LCFF/LCAP and opportunities to support school nutrition services. link

Questions? Contact Anna Colby at 213.482.8200 ext. 204


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