SHIG WEBINAR RSVP Kameron Mims-Jones Published on Aug 11, 2021 in Adults, Older Adults We want to provide timely and relevant webinar content, RSVP by completing this quick survey. Thank you for helping us provide you with a productive experience! SHIG Webinar Planning Form Name*Email AddressOrganization*Organization Affliation Community Based Direct Service Health Care/Direct Service Health Care/Adminstration NonProfit Advocacy Government City*Are you familiar with the State Health Information Guidance (SHIG) ? Yes, I am familar and find it helpful, looking forward to sharing my experince. Yes, I have heard of the SHIG, and I want to learn about how it can be a helpful tool. Nope, excited to attend, so I can become familiar. Do you share health information when connecting individuals to services ? Yes No If Yes, how have your efforts been successful ?If No, please share why not ?We want you to be informed during our interactive SHIG Webinar , so to help us prepare, share a question/topic you would like us to explore.(Note: You are encouraged to bring questions as well! )CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Was this resource helpful? Please consider supporting Nourish California's work. Your 100% tax-deductible donation is an investment in our research and supports our mission to give California’s critically under-resourced communities the nutrition they desperately need. Donate Today