Sign On to Support Double the Fresh in CalFresh

Published on Feb 22, 2018 in CalFresh, State Legislation

Add your logo to the coalition letter to secure $9 million to Double the Fresh in CalFresh! link

This budget request will fund at least 7 pilot projects to provide matching dollar-for-dollar benefits upon the purchase of California-grown fresh fruits and vegetables via CalFresh EBT- this funding will cover financial incentives (matching benefits upon purchase of fruits and veggies); community partner and local retailer support; and state systems changes to allow for incentives to be delivered through the EBT system.

Use the boxes below to sign your organization on in support of Double the Fresh in CalFresh. We expect the Budget Subcommittees to hear this request in April: April 4 in the Assembly; and April 19 in the Senate.

[wordpress_file_upload placements=”filename+selectbutton+uploadbutton/subfolders/userdata/message” uploadtitle=”Your organization’s logo” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”” attachfile=”true” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”Primary contact’s name|t:text|s:right|r:1|a:0|p:inline|d:/Primary contact’s email|t:email|s:right|r:1|a:0|v:1|p:right|d:|g:0/I am a certified representative of my organization.|t:checkbox|s:right|r:1|a:0|p:right|d:|l:Yes|f:right”]

Learn more about the Double the Fresh in CalFresh campaign. link

Learn more about CFPA-sponsored related legislation, SB 900 (Wiener and Arambula). link

Questions: Contact Tracey Patterson at 510.433.1122 ext 101, or


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