8.14.13 State Superintendent Tom Torlakson just sent a letter to superintendents, school food authorities, and afterschool program sponsors throughout California to urge them to start serving afterschool meals to students, if they are not already. Through the CACFP at-risk afterschool supper program, afterschool sites can serve more nutritious, high-quality food to students than the usual snacks.
The funding to support the expansion of afterschool meals already exists. Many afterschool sponsors have already begun serving afterschool meals since the program became available, but thousands of eligible afterschool sponsors are missing the opportunity to serve healthful meals to students in need.
The meals available through the supper program can be served as “super-snacks” or a light dinner, depending on what works best for each afterschool sites. The meals can be served in addition to the snack, or instead of a snack. These afterschool meals include a fruit and/or vegetable, and SFAs have the option to use the NSLP or CACFP meal pattern. CFPA and CDE encourage afterschool sponsors to serve healthy and well-balanced afterschool meals in an appealing way so that students get the most out of this important meal.
For more information, read Superintendent Torlakson’s letter in support of afterschool meals. PDF