State Senate to Discuss Child Care Meals on 5/10

Published on Apr 2, 2018 in Young Children

Save the date to provide public comment in support of #foodwithcare. Next month the state senate budget committee on education will discuss increasing access to healthy meals in child care during their May 10th hearing. Make plans to join us at the Capitol to participate in the public comment process: 9:30am-12:30pm on May 10th at the state Capitol.

Thank you again to our partners who attended the Assembly hearing on early education earlier this month to provide public comment. Now we need your help in showing similar support to the state senate. The May 10th budget subcommittee hearing will be one of the only opportunities to provide public comment directly to the senate. We still do not have confirmation from senate budget committee staff on what the public comment process will look like. Those details will become available to us about one week prior to the hearing. In the mean time, please make travel plans and arrange to join us in Sacramento to provide public comment. Stay tuned for additional details.

Take action: Ask the senate to invest in access to healthy meals for our youngest learners:

1.) Save the date to provide public comment in support of #foodwithcare: 9:30am-12:30pm on May 10th at the state Capitol, room 4203.

2.) Email Senator Anthony Portantino, Chair of the Budget Subcommittee on Education. link

3.) Post to social media: Tag Senator Portantino in your posts. link

4.) Add your organization to the coalition letter. link

Learn more about the campaign. link

Questions: Contact Melissa Cannon at 510.433.1122 ext 102, or


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