7.23.2014 We know that healthier school meals improve student nutrition. But did you know that most kids like them, too? Today, Bridging the Gap released a survey of school administrators that shows that the majority of students (70%) like school meals since they became healthier (the survey was conducted in the spring of the 2012-2013 school year). Not surprisingly, students complained about the changes at first, but with time students got use to the changes. Though fewer children are buying lunch in some schools, even more kids than before are getting lunch in other schools.
This study reinforces the need to oppose congressional efforts to roll back school nutrition standards. Some students and schools need time to adjust to school meal changes. The answer to those schools that are struggling to implement the new meal standards is not to roll back nutrition standards in all schools, but to help struggling schools serve healthy food so that students will eat it. Policymakers should continue to assist elementary and secondary school officials with implementation of the updated nutrition standards.
Please share the study to help support healthy nutrition in schools: http://www.rwjf.org/content/
Questions? Contact Tracey Patterson at 510-433-1122 ext 101.