Support AB 1049 (Rodriguez) as it heads to Assembly Human Services!

Published on Mar 27, 2025 in CalFresh, Food4All, Immigrants

In February 2025, the Food4All campaign introduced AB 1049 (Rodriguez) to remove a discriminatory rule called sponsor deeming from the California Food Assistance Program (CFAP) so that immigrant Californians seeking food benefits face fewer barriers in getting the support they need to meet their food needs. Now we need your help to make sure this bill makes it through Assembly Human Services.

Send in your Letter of Support now!

Click the button to the right to access the Letter of Support template. Follow instructions on the first page to create your account and submit your letter to the California Advocates Portal.

Questions? Reach out to

Letters are due no later than Wednesday, April 2 by 5pm.

AB 1049 will be heard in the Assembly Human Services Committee on Tuesday, April 8th. Stay tuned for more ways to support Food4All and this bill.

Thank you for your support on Food4All and advancing a food safety net where everyone has access to the food they want and need, regardless of immigration status.


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