Support USDAs Smart Snacks in Schools Proposal

Published on Mar 29, 2013 in Child Nutrition, Federal Advocacy, School-Aged Children

3.29.2013 USDA wants to hear from YOU about their Smart Snacks in Schools proposed rule. This school year, students have seen more fruit, vegetable and whole grains options on the lunch tray, and soon all foods sold outside of the school meal programs (i.e., competitive foods) will also be getting a facelift.

USDA recently proposed science-based nutrition standards for snack foods and beverages sold in vending machines, school stores and cafeteria a la carte lines. The proposed standards complement efforts already underway to improve the food environment in schools – making the healthy choice, the easy choice.

Quick summary of the proposed standards. PDF

The public has an opportunity to weigh in on the proposed standards. CFPA urges all in the school community – parents, students, teachers, school administrators – and anyone interested in teaching students healthy eating habits to submit comments.  Your comments will help shape the final rule on nutrition standards for all foods and beverages sold to students throughout the school day. April 9, 2013 is your last day to submit a comment.

Read CFPA’s comments. PDF

CFPA’s comments identify four areas for improving the proposed rule:

  1. Increase participation in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs and afterschool meals,
  2. Develop students’nutritional literacy by serving whole foods,
  3. Provide adequate detail to ensure students’access to water, and
  4. Increase compliance of the nutritional standards.

While California’s adoption of food and beverage standards several years ago has reduced the availability of some high-calorie foods and drinks, CFPA strongly supports a final rule that even more significantly limits the sales of competitive foods and that effectively enforces the nutrition guidelines.

How Do I Submit a Comment?

There are several ways to submit a comment. Once you have your comment ready, you can:

  1. Visit link
  2. Fill out the required fields and type your comment or upload load it if you saved it on a Word Doc or PDF.
  3. Hit submit and voilà, you’re done!

or you can use Prevent Obesity’s model comment letter and adapt it to incorporate your thoughts:

  1. Visit Prevent Obesity. link
  2. Add your point of view to the model comment letter
  3. Click on the “send your message” button and that’s all!

Make your voice count for a generation of healthier students! For more information, please contact Ariana Oliva at 213-482-8200 x203 or Markell Lewis at 510-433-1122 x107.


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