Take Action: Support Safe Drinking Water Budget Request

Published on Apr 3, 2017 in CalFresh, State Legislation

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4.03.17 Californians need your help! On April 19, 2017 a request will be heard in the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Human Services to invest in a $5 million multi-county initiative to bring relief through CalFresh to those impacted by unsafe water in the 2017-18 Budget. The request may also be under consideration in Senate Budget Sub 3 the following day.

The state’s CalFresh Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) system would deliver time-limited nutrition benefits to mitigate the burden of purchasing water for drinking and cooking for households without safe water. While past state investments and recent rains have brought significant improvements to the California’s water crisis, there are still a number of communities in the state where a long-term solution for safe drinking water is not yet in place.

We are calling on our partners to sign on to our letter requesting the Legislature work with the Administration to fund the pilot.


  • Read and sign on to our letter by April 7, 2017: Link
  • Share these stories: PDF
  • Tweet at budget leaders to support CFPA’s 2017-18 budget request.


    Budget Leadership twitter handles:


    1. Holly J. Mitchell,  Chair Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee: @HollyJMitchell
    2. Phil Ting, Chair Assembly Budget Committee:  @PhilTing
    3. Joaquin Arambula, Chair Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services: @drarambulaAD31
    4. Richard Pan, Chair Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services:@DrPanMD
    5. Jerry Brown, Governor of California: @JerryBrownGov
    • @HollyJMitchell @PhilTing @drarambulaAD31 @DrPanMD we support @CAFoodPolicy $5million budget request 2 bring safe water to CalFresh families
    • Families shouldn’t need to choose between food and water. [insert representative twitter handle]  Support @CAFoodPolicy bring relief 2 those w/o safe water
    • [insert representative twitter handle] Nutrition initiative 2 bring relief to families w/o safe water is smart CA investment. Let’s make it happen: http://bit.ly/2nHcL6K
    • Water is a human right that no one should go without. Support @CAFoodPolicy $5mil budget request. Learn more here: http://bit.ly/2nHcL6K

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