3.4.2016 California kids need your help. Budget leaders are making decisions about how our state will fund programs that affect the health and success of California kids. We are calling on state leaders to invest in after-the-bell school breakfast. By increasing access to school breakfast, that investment will bolster academic achievement and improve overall wellbeing for students on thousands of campuses across California. The state investment will also draw millions of dollars in federal funds directly to California public schools, generating new economic activity and tax revenue.
The budget request is set to be heard by the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Education Finance on 5/3. We need the Senate Budget Subcommittee on Education to agendize the request for one of its upcoming hearings. We also need support from state budget leaders to include the investment in the 2016-17 budget bill.
Please submit a letter of support to California’s budget leaders. Let them know that students across our state deserve access to the nutritious meals they need to learn, grown, and achieve at their full potential.
Download a sample letter of support and instructions for submitting letters. doc
Questions? Please contact Tia Shimada at tia@cfpa.net or 510.433.1122 ext 109.