AB 1871: A Win!

Published on Sep 19, 2018 in Child Nutrition, School-Aged Children, State Legislation

9.19.18 Yesterday, Governor Brown signed AB 1871 (Bonta) into law. That decision means low-income students in charter schools are finally guaranteed access to free and reduced-price school meals.

Giving children the food they need to learn and grow means they can focus on what’s at hand and what’s ahead, not on what’s missing. We can meet the most basic needs of every child in California and this new law will help us get there.

We thank Governor Brown for recognizing that all students deserve access to basic resources, no matter where they go to school. We thank Assemblymember Rob Bonta for his leadership and his commitment to helping all children reach their full potential. We thank our fellow co-sponsors, the California State PTA, the California Teachers Association, and the Western Center on Law & Poverty for their partnership in doing right by our kids.

And our loudest thank you goes out to every single supporter who wrote a letter, made a call, sent a tweet, requested a meeting, and otherwise lent your voice to this effort. You said no child should go hungry in a California public school. You were heard.

What’s Next?

First, we celebrate. Then we turn our attention to implementation. Stay tuned for more information about translating this new law into changes on the ground.

Spread the Word

Read and share a press release about the signing of the bill. PDF

Stay in Touch

Have thoughts or questions to share? Please contact Tia Shimada at tia@cfpa.net or 510.407.2868.


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