American Families Plan Would Expand Economic Security and Confront the Nation’s Child Food Insecurity Crisis

Published on Apr 28, 2021 in Federal Advocacy, School-Aged Children

Today, President Biden unveiled details of a sweeping proposal to Congress that calls for transformative policies to disrupt poverty, including investments to improve the reach and quality of the nation’s child nutrition programs.

The President’s proposal would take historic steps to close gaps in equitable access to school meals. The plan would enable more schools to offer healthy breakfast and lunches free of charge to all students by expanding the reach of the Community Eligibility Provision, expanding direct certification, and incentivizing healthier school meals. This approach is rooted in fairness and will give more children the nutritious food they need to learn, grow, and achieve at their full potential.

The proposal would also expand Summer EBT to all eligible children nationwide. Statewide, 86% of California children who benefit from free or reduced-price lunches during the school year typically miss out on summer lunches. The loss of school meals, especially for children living in poverty, can increase the risk of hunger and food insecurity. Summer EBT is a smart investment that will prevent more children from losing access to a critical source of nutritious, affordable meals over the summer months.

From promoting educational opportunity to modifying tax laws, the plan calls for a number of additional investments that will help Californians who face the greatest needs and the starkest inequities. Nourish California applauds the Biden Administration for helping cultivate policies that will disrupt poverty and extend equitable opportunity. Now, Congress needs to act. We look forward to working with California’s Congressional Delegation to advance the President’s proposals.