ENACT 2011 General Information

Published on Mar 1, 2011

3.1.11 ENACT Nutrition and Activity Day is the Strategic Alliance’s yearly, grass-roots lobby dayheld in Sacramento, CA. ENACT brings together advocates from across the state in an effort to educate policy makers about opportunities to improve California’s nutrition and physical activity environments.

Who is the Strategic Alliance?
The Strategic Alliance for Healthy Food and Activity Environments is a coalition of nutrition and physical activity advocates in California. To learn more, visit the Strategic Alliance website. link

Who should attend ENACT?
Advocates from across California who are interested in improving nutrition environments and opportunities for physical activity should attend. The Strategic Alliance encourages all interested advocates to attend, on their own or in groups. Travel scholarships will be available, as well as simultaneous Spanish interpretation for Spanish speakers. More information will be available shortly.

What is the ENACT schedule? Where is ENACT?
ENACT is broken down into two sessions. The morning session, from 9:00am to 12:30pm, will be at St. John’s Luther Church, 1701 L street, Sacramento.

The afternoon session will take place from 1:00pm to 3:00pm in the State Capitol at 10th Street & Capitol Mall. The afternoon session is when all ENACT attendees will be visiting with their elected officials, so the times of those visits will vary between 12:30 pm and 3:00 pm. Once your legislative visits are finished, you’ll recap with Strategic Alliance staff about your visits and check-out. The afternoon schedule is flexible in terms of the time you will be finished with your legislative visits. 

What legislation are we talking about specifically?
The final legislative agenda is still being decided, but will include some of the following topics:

– Taxation of sugar sweetened beverages
– Expanding school breakfast programs
– Creating safe routes to school
– Improving state food procurement policy
– Financing to improve access to healthy foods
– Establishing joint use of buildings/spaces to improve nutrition and physical activity


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