Urge Governor Newsom to Include CalFresh Simplification for Seniors in the State Budget

Published on Jun 10, 2021 in CalFresh, Older Adults, State Legislation

We are pleased to announce that the State Legislature's 2021-22 State Budget package includes funding for the policies proposed in SB 107 (Wiener). State leaders have listened to our broad coalition's call to make CalFresh easier for seniors and people with disabilities. We are now one step closer to creating simplified application and ensuring all required forms can be completed over the phone.

We applaud Senator Wiener for his leadership on CalFresh simplification. We also thank our cosponsors — AARP-CA, California Association of Food Banks, and San Francisco-Marin Food Bank and our broad coalition of supporters for their tireless advocacy that propelled us to this point.

What's next?

While today's news brings us one step closer to our goal, our work is far from finished. We look forward to continuing to advocate with the Legislature and Newsom administration during the next critical weeks to ensure CalFresh simplification for seniors and people with disabilities is included in the final budget.

We need to let Governor Newsom know NOW that this is a priority that can't wait. We can make CalFresh work better for everyone — especially seniors and people with disabilities who face additional barriers. We shouldn't make it hard for people who've fallen on hard times to get help getting basic food assistance.

See below for call and email instructions and a sample script. Budget negotiations have already begun. Don't wait, make your voice heard today!

HOW TO MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD Call/Email Governor Newsom

Call or send your own email

Direct calls and emails make a difference! Contact the Governor to let his office know you want to ensure  CalFresh simplification for seniors is included in the final state budget. 

Governor Gavin Newsom
(916) 445-2841

Sample Script
Hello, My name is _____ from _____ (either location or organization) and I am CALLING/WRITING to urge Governor Newsom to support the Legislature's proposal to create a simplified CalFresh application for seniors and people with disabilities in the final state budget package. I also support making sure that all CalFresh forms can be completed over the phone. This is a small investment that will help many struggling households get the food they need. Thank you. 

After you've called, pat yourself on the back! You're making a difference for millions of Californians who need some help to afford adequate and nutritious food.

Now go one step further: forward the call to action to your friends, family, or colleagues that support improving food security for all Californians.

Thank you for your support and advocacy!

Questions? Contact: Jared Call at jared@nourishca.org.