3.26.2014 Can cafeterias be redesigned to create an environment to nudge students to eat healthier? To answer this burning question, 120 school districts signed on for the Smarter Lunchrooms Movement (SLM) Training in California. The five-city SLM training in California kicked off in Downey at the Southern California Gas Company’s Energy Resource Center on March 10, 2014.
The smarter lunchroom strategies guide students to make healthier choices by using evidence based no-cost or low-cost strategies. These trainings were designed to help Food Service Directors increase their school meal participation, reduce plate waste, and help students select and consume healthier foods. Incorporating a smarter lunchrooms makeover is one effective method of helping school districts better meet the new nutrition standards under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.
The trainings were held in Orange County, Alameda, Fresno and Sacramento and were conducted by Kate Hoy from the Cornell Center for Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition Programs (B.E.N. Center). The trainings were made possible with the support from the California Food Policy Advocates, California Department of Education, Dairy Council of California, Kaiser Permanente, The California Endowment, and University of California Cal Fresh Nutrition Education Program.
The trainings also featured best practices presented by food service managers on effective strategies to increase the appeal of school meals. Some trainings included a school visit where participants gained hands-on experience in cafeteria redesign. After a whirlwind debut, one thing is for sure, the Smarter Lunchrooms Movement is gaining momentum in California.

Check out how one School Food Service Manager increased the uptake of fruits and vegetables by 15% from incorporating smarter lunchroom strategies. link
See how you can makeover your cafeteria for less than $10. link
Join the Smarter Lunchrooms Movement. link
For more information, contact Jeannie Wakamatsu at 213-482-8200, x207 or jeannie@cfpa.net