Nourishing the Next Generation
A child's early years lay the foundation for good health and a bright future.
Unfortunately millions of children in California lack the basic resources they need to thrive. Systemic injustices rooted in race, immigration status, and privilege, among other factors, shut a staggering number of California families out of prosperity. Young children are especially vulnerable to the harmful effects of poverty. Hunger and hardship during key stages of development have short- and long-term consequences for our next generation.
Our Work
Nourish California advocates progressive policy solutions that help families meet their most basic needs, including food.
For example, families seeking assistance often interact with a confusing patchwork of government programs. We work with policymakers to streamline and interconnect California’s array of supports, including CalFresh and WIC so that all children have ready access to the resources they need to learn, grow, and thrive.
We also envision early care and early learning environments where all children have guaranteed access to nutritious, affordable meals. We successfully led the effort to require healthy beverages in licensed child care and are leading the fight to help feed our youngest learners.