Our resource page provides you with information about food assistance resources in California.
Do you have another resource that you think should be included on this page? Send it to us at hello@nourishca.org!
Contact Your Local Representatives/Congressional Members For Services
Your local representative and congressional members are here to serve you! Contact their offices to receive information and assistance on food access, CalFresh, or other issues you are facing. Follow these easy steps to make sure you are heard.
- Go to this website to find your local representative or this website for your congressional member.
- Find their office phone number and call them.
- Introduce yourself, state that you live in their district, and tell them about the issue that you are currently facing.
- Ask them what they can do to help you!
Pro tip: It’s helpful if you already have an idea of how they can help you. For example, you can ask them to support a bill that will address a problem you’re dealing with.
Find Food Resources Near You
Use this easy map tool to find a food bank near you!
Use this tool to find a community fridge in LA!
Use this tool to find a school summer meals site near you!

Sign Up for CalFresh!
CalFresh is a great program that helps people buy the food they need and want.
Take this quiz to learn if you qualify for it. Click here if you're a student!
You can apply:
- Online - benefitscal.com
- By phone - 877 847 3663
- Or in person - office locator

Sign up for WIC!
WIC provides breastfeeding/chestfeeding support, nutrition education, and money for healthy food for pregnant and recently pregnant people, and children ages 0-5.
You can apply:
- Online - wicforyou.org
- By phone - 888 942 9675
- Or in person - office locator

Area Agency on Aging (AAA’s)
The California Department of Aging contracts with and provides leadership and direction to 33 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) that coordinate different services to seniors and adults with disabilities at the community level and serve as the focal point for local aging concerns.
Use this map to find information and services in your area.