Trump's Latest Hard-Line Proposal to Deny Americans Food Assistance Will Harm Older Americans

For the third time this year alone, the Trump Administration issued a proposed rule to cut Americans off from vital food assistance

Now Accepting 2020 "Freshy" Award Nominations!

The “Freshy” Awards honor the actions of individual Californians and organizations that have worked diligently in the last year to improve CalFresh.

2019 State Legislative Review: Positive Steps, but Inequities Persist

In the face of near-constant attacks from the federal level this year, CFPA proudly stands steadfast with

Join us in commenting on California’s Master Plan for Aging

Recognizing that California’s aging population is expected to expand significantly over the next decade, Governor Gavin Newsom signed

Governor Newsom Vetoes Bill to Provide Our Youngest Learners with Guranteed Access to a Meal

Last night, Governor Gavin Newsom took his final actions for the 2019 legislative season.

Federal Courts Block Implementation of New Public Charge Rule

Today, injunctions blocking the Trump administration’s public charge rule were issued in three federal court cases. Although temporary, these injunctions stop the new

2020 CalFresh Forum Registration is Now Open!

Registration for the 2020 CalFresh Forum is now open! You can easily register online and learn more

USDA Proposes Another Rule Change to Cut SNAP/CalFresh

Last week, USDA issued another proposed new rule that would cut SNAP/CalFresh.

What We Heard in 2019 and What’s Next

Earlier this summer, we asked about the issues affecting you, your community, and California at large. We do this all throughout the year, but we use this time (late summer/early fall) to do a deeper dive. It's a time for us to identify newly emerging issues and to [...]

Save the Date! 2020 CalFresh Forum February 5th in Sacramento

Each year, California Food Policy Advocates’ (CFPA) holds the CalFresh Forum bringing together hundreds of key stakeholders from across the state to identify opportunities and discuss strategies to improve the reach and impact of CalFresh. The next CalFresh Forum is co-sponsored by the California Department of Social Services [...]

Too Many CA Older Adults Go Hungry; CalFresh Can Do More To Help

October 1st, is International Older Adults Day, and CFPA is using the opportunity to highlight

CFPA Submits Comments Opposing USDA Proposal to Cut Food Assistance for Over 3 Million Low-Income Americans

CFPA has submitted public comments in opposition to USDA’s recently proposed new rules for CalFresh.

Update: CDSS All County Letter Implementing 2020 CalFresh ABAWD Time Limit Waiver Request

Today, CDSS published All County Letter (ACL) 19-96 implementing the most recent waiver of the CalFresh Time Limit for ABAWDs.

CDSS ABAWD Handbook 2.0

California Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) Handbook Version 2.0 link

AB 842 is headed to the Governor's desk!

This week, our state legislators confirmed what we already know: California should feed our low-income students no matter how young they are

Students Are Heading Back to School With New Tools for Success

Summer is over and as the new school year begins, California is implementing new laws

One Step Closer to Hunger-Free Early Care

Today the Senate Appropriations Committee, chaired by Senator Anthony Portantino, passed AB 842 out of committee!

SB 285 (Wiener) Held in Assembly Appropriations

Today, SB 285 (Wiener) was held in the Assembly Appropriations Committee.

CFPA Denounces Final Public Charge Rule and Vows to Protect Immigrant Families

Today, the Trump administration finalized its public charge rule–making the use of certain nutrition

2020 CalFresh ABAWD Time Limit Waiver Request Approved – All But Six Counties Remain Under Waiver

The California Department of Social Services CalFresh Branch request to the USDA

New Trump Administration Proposal Would Cut CalFresh for Working Families, Seniors, People with Disabilities

This morning, the Trump Administration proposed new, misguided, rules for SNAP/CalFresh. The rule targets low-income families by seeking to end a long-standing state option that eases the CalFresh application burden for families that qualify for other federal benefits, like CalWORKs in California.

What Change Do You Want to See?

Each year, we ask individuals and organizations across California, “What change do you want to see?” Please help us understand the challenges and successes affecting you and your community.

¿Qué Cambios Quieres Ver?

Cada año, le preguntamos a individuos y organizaciones en todo California, “¿Qué cambios quieren ver?” Ayúdenos a comprender los desafíos y éxitos que le afectan a usted y a su comunidad.

SB 285 (Wiener) Needs Your Support! Call, Tweet, & Email Key Assemblymembers Today

SB 285 needs your support to clear its next legislative hurdle, the Assembly Appropriations

Senate Ed Votes to Support More Meals for Young Kids

AB 842 (Limón) passed out of the Senate Ed Committee on July 9th with a unanimous vote of support!
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