25th Anniversary Slideshow

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#FarmBillFriday Launches

10.13.2017 We’re launching #FarmBillFriday to educate, mobilize, and empower Californians

Celebrate! New Law Creates Hunger Free Schools in CA

10.13.2017 We are thrilled to announce that SB 138 (McGuire) was signed into law by Governor Brown

CFPA Convenes Child Care Stakeholders

10.09.2017 On Thursday, October 26th child care stakeholders will gather in Sacramento to help identify strategies for increasing access to child care and high quality nutrition environments.

House Budget Sets up Tax Cuts for Wealthy by Slashing Funding for Low-Income Programs

10.06.17 Yesterday, the House passed its FY 18 Budget Resolution along a party-line vote of 219-206. This was this first step in setting up a fast-track approval process not needing bipartisan support

Your Input Needed: Engage, Listen, Prioritize for 2018

9.25.17 Over the past few months, CFPA has been listening to the input of hundreds of Californians from around the state. We heard your thoughts, concerns, and emerging opportunities to increase low-income Californians’ access to affordable, nutritious food.

Just Released: Attendance & Breakfast policy brief

09.20.2017 Attendance at school is essential for academic success. Yet, over one in nine students are chronically absent in California. Chronic absenteeism is an equity issue

Act Now for Hunger-Free Schools! SB 138 onto Governor!

09.18.2017 Your letters, calls & emails in support of hunger-free schools are working! We need you more than ever- this is the final stretch! SB 138 (McGuire) needs to clear one last hurdle to become law.

SB 138 Sample Letter of Support

A customizable letter to Governor Brown with submission instructions. doc

Anti-Hunger Partners Comment on the Next Farm Bill

9.7.2017 In collaboration with the California Hunger Action Coalition , CFPA recently submitted comments to the House Ag Committee putting forward our shared priorities for the 2018 Farm Bill.

SB 138 Clears the Assembly Floor!

09.06.2017 SB 138 (McGuire) made it through the Assembly with unanimous, bipartisan support! Next it will head to the Senate for concurrence and then to Governor Brown’s desk.

Denouncing the Termination of DACA

9.6.2017 CFPA stands in solidarity with our immigrant rights partners, affirms importance of DACA for the health and well-being of all Californians.

SB 138 (McGuire) Moves to the Assembly Floor!

9.1.2017 Thanks to your support, we are just steps away from hunger free schools in California! SB 138 (McGuire) passed out of Assembly Appropriations Committee with a unanimous, bipartisan 16-0 vote!

What's Next for California Food Assistance

9.1.2017 Today, AB 164 (Arambula)- California Food Assistance, was held in the Senate Appropriations Committee. A great thank you to all of you who supported the bill and brought it this far.

Comments on ESSA State Plan

Recommendations for integrating health and wellness into CA’s accountability system PDF

Back to School, Back to Basics

8.21.217 California students are headed back to school. Read CFPA’s latest release, Back to Basics: Food & Fairness in Schools, about meeting students’ needs so they can learn and succeed. PDF

Webinar: New CalFresh Policies for Seniors

ATC & CDSS Webinar: Streamlining Enrollment and Boosting Benefits for Seniors link

SNAP Supported at Salinas Farm Bill Listening Session

8.14.2017 Support for SNAP was echoed in Salinas during the second of two U.S. House Agriculture Committee Farm Bill listening sessions that took place in California last week.

ATC and CDSS Webinar: New CalFresh Policies for Seniors

8.9.2017 On Wednesday, August 8th, the Alliance to Transform CalFresh (ATC) and California Department of Social Services co-hosted a webinar outlining new CalFresh policies for seniors

CA Releases Revised Draft ESSA State Plan

08.09.2017 The California Department of Education (CDE) released a revised draft of California’s Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) State Plan.

House Agriculture Committee Holds CA Listening Session

8.8.2017 Anti-hunger advocates from across California showed up and voiced strong support for SNAP during a listening session hosted by U.S. House Agriculture Committee

Health and Wellness Advocacy Guide

Guide for advocates interested in working with policymakers to develop state ESSA plans PDF

Case Studies: LCAP and Nutrition

Case studies of school districts that have incorporated nutrition into their LCAP. link

CFPA's 2018 Policy Development Survey

7.19.2017 CFPA has started our policy development process, and we need your input! Our annual survey helps us gather feedback about challenges and opportunities to improve the health and well-being of all Californians through improved access to nutritious,

House Budget Resolution Proposes Cuts to SNAP, Safety Net

7.19.17 Today’s House Budget Committee FY18 Budget Resolution hearing revealed the House GOP’s plans to follow the lead of the President’s disastrous budget proposal by making
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