2012 Freshy Award Voting Now Open!

12.20.2011 The nominations are in and the voting has begun! The winners will be announced at the 2012 CalFresh Forum. The Freshy Awards are  based completely on your votes. 

SBP Start-Up and Expansion Grants

An analysis of grants awarded by the California Department of Education from 2005-2009. Full Report PDF Executive Summary PDF

California State Audit:California’s Charter Schools

Some are Providing Meals to Students, but a Lack of Reliable Data Prevents the California Department of Education from Determining the Number of Students Eligible and Participating in Certain Federal Meal Programs Report Fact Sheet link Report Highlights link Report Summary link Full Report link

AB 1594 FAQ

A CFPA prepared document answering questions about the proposal PDF

Relevant Media

12.15.2011With Boost from California, Charter Schools Enroll 2 Million Nationally, EdSource, PDF 11.30.2011Charter Schools Grow While More than 9 out of 10 Students Stay in Regular Public Schools, EdSource, PDF

Preliminary CalFresh Forum Agenda Now Available!

12.13.2011 We’ve just released a preliminary agenda for the 2012 CalFresh Forum! This agenda includes an event schedule, overview of plenary speakers and bio links..

Relevant Research

The Effects of the National School Lunch Program on Education and Health, Peter Hinrichs, 2010 PDF Higher Quality Intake from School Lunch Compared with Bagged Lunches, Inyoung Hur, PhD; Teri Burgess-Champoux, PhD; and Maria Reicks, PhD, RD,  2011 PDF The School Food Environment and Student Body Max Index [...]

CDSS Guidance on Elimination of Fingerprint for CalFresh

12.9.2011 As a result of AB 6 (Fuentes) recently signed by Governor Brown, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has released an All County Letter (ACL) providing county guidance regarding the immediate elimination of the fingerprint

Long Beach in Favor of Healthy Food and Beverage Policies

12.9.2011 Like most places in the nation, Long Beach is experiencing an increase in obesity rates. 2011 data show that 27.2% of 5th, 7th, and 9th graders in Long Beach are obese.

Water On The Radio

12.7.11  National Public Radio aired a segment on Tuesday evening about implementation

Lunch On The Radio

12.7.11 KNX1070 and KFWB 980 interviewed CFPA’s Matt Sharp about the new LAUSD menus.  CBS Radio Segment in Los Angeles On LAUSD Lunch Menu.  And, for photos of the new lunch items, take a look here link.

A Closer Look at LAUSD's New Menu Entrees

12.2.11 Most, if not all, LAUSD students have had the chance to try the new menu entrees that the district introduced earlier in the school year. While some items have proven to be more popular than others, LAUSD continues its efforts to showcase the new entrees to parents, [...]

CFPA Report: SBP Start-Up and Expansion Grants

12.19.2011This report is an analysis of grants awarded by the California Department of Education from 2005-2009 for schools to improve School Breakfast Programs.

Coming Soon – Classroom Breakfast Webinar

11.23.11 Please join the BreakfastFirst Campaign and Action for Healthy Kids for the second in a series of five interactive webinars designed to

CalFresh Forum Keynote Speaker Announced!

11.18.2011 We’ve just confirmed that Secretary Lanier Cansler from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services will be a keynote speaker at the 2012 CalFresh Forum!

Move Over Ketchup: Pepperoni Pizza is Now a Vegetable Too

11.18.2011 Congress passed legislation early this week that will limit USDA’s ability to implement strong, science-based nutrition standards for school meals. School meal nutrition standards have not been updated in the past 15 years.

Increased Food Insecurity in California-Released 11.15.2011

New county-by-county information on food insecurity in California link

New Release: Food Insecurity on the Rise in California

11.15.2011 CFPA has just released county-by-county food insecurity rates using data collected via the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS). More than 3.7 million low-income adults

CalFresh Forum Registration is Now Open!

11.7.11 To attend the event, please register online. Once you have registered, we will send periodic event updates including the event agenda via email. We will also post

Urge Congress to Protect the Federal Safety-net!

11.4.2011 Tell your Senators and House Members to protect the federal nutrition safety net programs. The Super Committee has been charged with managing U.S. deficit negotiations

Nominate Someone Today for the 2012 "Freshy" Awards!

11.4.11 Each year CFPA honors Californians that have made a unique and significant contribution to the advancement of CalFresh. Whether working at the state or local level,

Support the 2012 CalFresh Forum!

11.4.11 CFPA is accepting donations to support the 2012 CalFresh Forum! Each year CFPA is proud to host the CalFresh Forum. As the event continues to grow it is particularity important

Rethinking the Lunchroom Webinar Recording Now Available

10.31.2011 Did you miss the Rethinking the Lunchroom: Strategies to Increase Healthier Food Selection and Consumption webinar on October 26th?

Schools Bring Breakfast into the Classroom

10.28.2011 We know that when the school breakfast meal is brought from the cafeteria early in the morning to the classroom at the beginning of the school day, participation increases dramatically, ensuring students start the day ready to learn.

Just Posted: AB 6 Implementation Timeline

10.27.2011 The recent passage of AB 6 presents a great opportunity to increase CalFresh access and participation. This overview is a quick summary of the changes included in AB 6 and a timeline of when they are expected to go into effect. 
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