Public Comments Needed: Tell Trump Administration Hands Off SNAP!

Published on Feb 1, 2019 in Adults, CalFresh, Federal Advocacy

Today, USDA published in the Federal Register a proposed rule that attempts to end-run Congressional decision-making authority on SNAP/CalFresh, by weakening long-standing protections against harsh and counterproductive work requirements in the program. The proposed rule would make it harder for unemployed and underemployed childless adults to receive SNAP while between jobs or not able to secure enough work hours to continue to qualify. USDA estimates that the rule, if enacted, would take food away from 755,000 people nationwide.

CFPA and our anti-hunger partners are committed to continue working together to prevent cuts to the program and to insist that the administration work to end, not exacerbate, hunger and food insecurity. Please stay tuned for California-specific sample comments that you can use to craft and submit your own comments in opposition to the proposed rule that would take away food assistance from people struggling to find work and get back on their feet. Our national partners at the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC), Feeding America, and Center on Budget & Policy Priorities are also working in unison to provide expert analysis, model comments, talking points, and integrated online comment submission portals to support the campaign to prevent the harmful changes the rule proposes. We will be sharing all of these resources with our network in the coming days and weeks.

Much like the recent fight to oppose the expansion of the “Public Charge” rule, the 60-day comment period that starts today will be a critical time for all anti-hunger and anti-poverty stakeholders to mobilize and submit as many unique and well-researched comments as possible to illustrate the harm these proposals would cause. We hope you will join us in this fight to protect food assistance for vulnerable households struggling to find work and get back on their feet.

Questions? Contact: Jared Call at 213.482.8200 ext 201


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