TAKE ACTION: Urge Governor Newsom to reject proposed delays to Food4All 55+

Published on Jun 3, 2024 in Food4All, Immigrants, Older Adults


The Governor’s May Revision to the 2024-2025 state budget proposes a two-year delay to the CFAP expansion for Californians ages 55 and older, regardless of immigration status. This proposed delay continues the harm to California’s undocumented communities, who experience food insecurity at disproportionately high rates

Last week, the Legislature announced their joint budget plan. In this plan, the Legislature approves the Governor’s proposed delay of the CFAP expansion to October 2027. However, they also approved the reallocation of unused funds from the 2023-2024 state budget to the 2024-2025 state budget to continue the necessary automation for the expansion. We must now tell the Governor stand firm in his commitment to Food4All by rejecting all delays AND ensure that progress toward the expansion will continue to be funded. 

Your voice makes a difference – join us in directly telling Governor Newsom why Californian’s older adult immigrants cannot afford to wait for Food4All.

Add to the template why you/your organization supports Food4All. 

The Governor has until June 15th to sign the final budget bill. Take action today!

See below for 3 ways you can take action now! 



Use the form linked above to send an email to Governor Newsom. Add your personal message at the bottom of the email to share why you are urging him to reject delays to Food4All for 55+.


Governor Gavin Newsom – (916) 445-2841

Use the sample script below to share your message:

Hello, my name is [[your name]] with [[your organization]]. [[Say a sentence about who what your organization does and who you represent.]]

As a member of the Food4All Coalition and in strong support of an equitable food safety net for all Californians, I urge Governor Newsom to reject all delays to the CFAP expansion for Californians aged 55 and older, regardless of immigration status, in the 2024-2025 proposed state budget. As a state that has been a leader in immigrant inclusion, we cannot balance the budget on the backs of our most vulnerable communities. We must not delay building on the progress we have made toward equitable access to food for all and ensure no exceptions, no exclusions, and no delays.

[[share why you support Food4All with no delays]]

Thank you!


Follow and engage with these key social media accounts:

Nourish California:  

California Immigrant Policy Center

Governor Gavin Newsom:

Use these core hashtags

  • #Food4All
  • #NoExceptionsNoExclusionsNoDelays
  • #CABudget

Social media posts to share

Share these posts and encourage your network to support! Feel free to edit the messages and use different targets.

45% of undocumented Californians – and nearly 2 in 3 children – are facing food insecurity .@cagovernor don’t go back on your commitment to #Food4All #NoExceptionsNoExclusions #NoDelays #CABudget

.@cagovernor expanding #Food4All to ages 55+ = improved food security for older Californians. Pls do not delay the progress made on Food4All. Let’s make sure CA is the first state in the US to ensure that ALL residents 55 & older can access food benefits #CABudget

Our communities need food now! @cagovernor, invest in feeding our communities & end the unjust exclusion from CalFresh based on immigration status. We need #Food4All now #NoExceptionsNoExclusions #NoDelays #CABudget

Questions? Reach out to Jackie Mendelson at jackie@nourishca.org or Benyamin Chao at bchao@caimmigrant.org.

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