Our Annual Report 2014

Year in Review 2014,

CFPA's Non-Profit Status

IRS Determination Letter PDF

California ABAWD Waiver Extended through 2017

2.04.2016 Today the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) CalFresh Branch announced through an All County Information Notice (ACIN) that the USDA Food and Nutrition Service

The Giving Library

A Giving Library video about CFPA,

Our Top Non-Profit Status

CFPA’s Guidestar Profile,

The White House Focuses on Child Hunger

2.02.2016 Last week, the White House hosted a conversation on child hunger in America and announced two promising new investments in child nutrition:

Immediate Action Needed: Contact your Senators today!

2.02.2016 Congress is making important decisions that will affect critical child nutrition programs for years to come. Now is the time to act: tell Congress that California kids deserve better access to nutritious meals!

Increase in Students Directly Certified for Free School Meals

1.29.2016 State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson reported a 32 percent increase in the number of students automatically approved to receive free meals in California schools.

Economic Effects of School Breakfast

Study overview PDF

Breakfast and Academics

Research highlights PDF

Expanding School Breakfast Drives Economic Growth

Study prepared for CFPA by the Blue Sky Consulting Group PDF

CFPA Response to Child Nutrition Reauthorization Bill

1.22.2016 On Wednesday, January 20, the Senate Agriculture Committee passed a bipartisan child nutrition reauthorization bill, The Improving Child Nutrition Integrity and Access Act of 2016.

After-the-bell Breakfast Models

Summary of Breakfast After the Bell service models PDF

Research Overview: School Breakfast

Overview of school breakfast studies PDF

Polling Results: Breakfast After the Bell

Summary of Field Poll findings PDF

AB 2099: Safe Drinking Water Backgrounder

Backgrounder, prepared by CFPA. PDF

Media Highlights

Media Highlights covering California’s drinking water crisis prepared by CFPA. PDF

Children in All-Day Child Care Need Additional Meal or Snack

01.14.2016 CFPA submitted a letter to California’s U.S. Senators in support of the inclusion of a provision in the Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill

Governor’s Budget Falls Short on Hunger and Poverty

1.11.2016 On January 7, Governor Brown proposed spending $122.6 billion for California’s 2016-2017 state budget. Despite a forecast of billions of dollars in additional revenues over the past few years, the Governor’s budget proposal still does not do enough

New Report: Local School Wellness Policy in California

01.08.2016 A recently released survey of over 300 California public school principals and school/district administrators sheds new light on the status of Local School Wellness Policy

SEBTC: The Basics

What it is and how it works. PDF

Support for Making Permanent EITC and CTC Improvements

12.16.2015 CFPA submitted a letter to Congress urging them to make permanent the improvements to the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC)

White House Report Highlights SNAP's Effectiveness, Need for Increased Benefits

12.09.2015 This week’s report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), Long-Term Benefits of The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, showed that

Immediate Action Needed: Contact your Representative today!

11.19.2015 Congress is making important decisions about the child nutrition programs. Now is the time to act: show your support of the Stop Child Summer Hunger Act today!

Smarter Lunchrooms Grant Opportunity

11.16.2015 The California Department of Education (CDE) is accepting grant applications from California school districts to support the implementation of Smarter Lunchrooms 
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