Smarter Lunchrooms in CA Schools

Learn about statewide efforts to positively influence students’ school food choices. link

Parents Strongly Support Healthy School Food Policies

9.10.2014 The vast majority of parents of school-age children across the country support strong national nutrition standards for all school foods and beverages.

Students Eat Fruits and Veggies When Given Time to Eat

9.3.2014 A recently released UC Berkeley study has shown that middle and high school students eat more fruits and vegetables when given more time to eat lunch at school.

2014-15 Federal Priorities: Child Nutrition

Overarching Priorities. PDFSchool Nutrition. PDFEarly Childhood Nutrition. Coming Soon!Summer Nutrition. Coming Soon!

CDE Releases Information on LCFF and School Meals

8.31.2014 Through the budget bill passed in June, Governor Brown signed into law a change that better aligns state education funding (via the Local Control Funding Formula) with

New School Meal Analysis

8.29.2014 Millions of kids across California are gearing up for the new school year. Do they have everything they need to succeed? CFPA’s latest school meal analysis

Now Available: New CalFresh Data!

8.26.2014 The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has updated the CalFresh Data Dashboard to include statewide and county-by-county data through June 2014. Recently developed by CDSS, in consultation with the County Welfare

SB 1002 Heads to the Governor!

8.26.2014 On Monday, August 25, concurrence was granted in the Senate with a vote of 34-0.  Now that amendments taken in the Assembly have been approved by the Senate, SB 1002 (De Leon) Aligning Opportunities for Health 

SB 1002 Passed Assembly Appropriations

8.18.2014 On Thursday, August 14, SB 1002 (De Leon) Aligning Opportunities for Health passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee. Next, SB 1002 will be heard on the Assembly Floor before August 31. We’d like to thank Senator De León

SB 1002: Assembly Floor Alert

CFPA and WCLP prepared a Floor Alert to members of the Assembly. PDF

AB 2449 Held in Senate Appropriations

8.15.2014 AB 2449 (Bocanegra) Adequate Time to Eat: Lunchtime Supports Learning was held in the Senate Appropriations suspense file. While the bill will not make further progress this year,

School Breakfast Grants Abound!

8.15.2014  Just when you were wondering where you would find the money to start up a Grab ‘n Go or Breakfast in the Classroom program – Action for Healthy Kids and the American Association of School Administrators has come to your rescue.

CDC Reports Children Do Not Eat Enough Fruits or Vegetables

8.12.2014 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new data through their monthly Vital Signs report that reveals 9 out of 10 children, ages 2-18, do not eat enough vegetables and 6 out of 10 children do not eat enough fruit.

Let Us Know What You Think and You Could Win $100!

8.12.2014 CFPA is launching it’s 2015 policy development process by asking for your input! We are conducting an online survey to gather feedback and identify challenges facing Californians with regards to their health, well-being, and access

Rep. Farr Writes Op-ed Supporting School Nutrition Standards

8.11.2014 Representative Sam Farr of California’s 20th Congressional District wrote a commentary last Friday in the Monterey Herald responding to criticisms of the Healthy

New Resource: Starting a Breakfast After the Bell Program

8.8.2014 CFPA, in partnership with the California School Board Association (CSBA), has issued a joint governance brief on starting an after the bell school breakfast program.

Action Needed: AB 2449 in Senate Appropriations

8.7.2014 On Monday, August 4,  AB 2449 (Bocanegra) Adequate Time to Eat was placed in the Senate Appropriations suspense

Congresswoman Davis Introduces Summer EBT Legislation

7.30.2014 Congresswoman Susan Davis of California’s 53rd Congressional District has introduced H.R. 5242, Stop Child Summer Hunger Act of 2014

Grants for Cities to Support Afterschool and Summer Meals

7.25.2014  The Institute for Youth, Education and Families invites cities to apply for grant awards of up to $50,000 to build capacity and increase participation in the federal Afterschool and Summer Meal Programs.

Study shows students like healthier school meals

7.23.2014  We know that healthier school meals improve student nutrition. But did you know that most kids like them, too? 

CFPA Nutrition & Food Insecurity Profiles

7.7.2014 How many children in your community are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals? How many low-income adults face food insecurity? What is the reach of the

SB 1002 Placed on Assembly Appropriations Suspense File

7.7.2014 On Wednesday, July 2, SB 1002 (De Leon) was placed on the Assembly Appropriations Committee Suspense File due to potential fiscal impacts cited in the committee analysis. CFPA, our co-sponsor, and the author will take all possible

Modified Categorical Eligibility Gross Income Policy

A brief overview of the change to the CalFresh gross income policy implemented July 1, 2014. PDF

AB 2449 Passes Senate Education Committee

6.26.2014 AB 2449 (Bocanegra), Adequate Time to Eat, moved out of the Senate Education Committee on Wednesday, June 25 with a vote of 4-2! Thanks to Assembly Member Bocanegra and

Federal Advocacy: Child Nutrition Survey

Partner Survey Results, January 2014. PDF
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