Water with MyPlate Please

4.15.2015 Water is essential to a healthy diet and now you, too, can urge USDA to add a water symbol onto MyPlate.

Due Today! Comments on the CACFP Meal Pattern

4.15.2015 There is still time to comment on the proposed rule to update the Child and Adult Care Food Program

AB 1240 Poll Shows Strong Support for Breakfast After the Bell

4.9.2015 According to a newly released statewide poll, two-thirds of California voters support legislation requiring schools to integrate breakfast into the school day.

Long Sample Comments

Sample comment letter intended for organizations. doc

Sample Comment Letters for CACFP Now Available

4.8.2015 CFPA has developed two sample letters that can be personalized and submitted to USDA when commenting on the proposed Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) meal pattern changes.

Submit Your AB 1240 Support Letter Today!

4.6.2015 AB 1240 (Bonta & Thurmond) Breakfast After the Bell will be heard in the Assembly Education Committee on Wednesday, April 22 at 1:30pm. Please submit your support letter by COB on Wednesday, April 15. A sample letter that includes instructions

New Report: Economic Impact of SNAP ARRA Cut

4.1.2015 The Center for Budget Policy & Priorities (CBPP) recently released a report quantifying the negative impact of the November 2013 SNAP benefit cut, both in terms of increased food insecurity for CalFresh households and lost economic activity for states.

California Ends CalFresh Drug Felon Ban

4.1.2015 As of Wednesday, April 1, 2015 the lifetime ban on receiving CalFresh for people with a drug related felony offense has been repealed. The 2014-15 state budget repealed

Help Make the CACFP Even Healthier! USDA Sample Comments

Brief, one-page sample comment letter intended for the general public. doc

AB 292 Passes Assembly Education Committee

3.26.2015 Yesterday, AB 292 (Santiago) Time to Eat: Lunchtime Supports Learning passed the Assembly Education Committee with a bipartisan vote of 5 – 1.  A great thanks to all of

Register Now for ENACT Nutrition & Physical Activity Day

3.24.2015 ENACT Day brings community members and advocates from all over California together in Sacramento to learn about and support state policies promoting nutrition

New School Breakfast Grants Available – Apply by May 1

3.19.2015  Our partner Action for Healthy Kids (AFHK) is now accepting applications for School Breakfast Grants for Healthy Kids for the 2015-2016 school year!

Take Action Today! Urge Congress to Support SNAP

3.19.2015 Next week, Congress is poised to begin consideration of its FY2016 Budget Resolution – and SNAP (CalFresh in California) is being targeted. The SNAP program is one of the strongest federal programs in terms of its ability to respond

Submit Your AB 292 Support Letter Today!

3.12.2015 AB 292 (Santiago) Time to Eat: Lunchtime Supports Learning will be heard in the Assembly Education Committee on Wednesday, March 25 at 1:30pm. Please submit AB 292 support letters by Thursday, March 19. A sample letter is

Webinar Recording

Video of CACFP Meal Pattern Webinar: What Californians Need to Know to Comment. link

Webinar Slides

Slides from CACFP Meal Pattern Webinar: What Californians Need to Know to Comment. PDF

How to Comment: CACFP Meal Pattern

Fact sheet prepared by CFPA. PDF

AB 1240 Breakfast After the Bell Introduced!

3.3.2015 Today, Assemblymembers Rob Bonta (Oakland) and Tony Thurmond (Richmond) introduced AB 1240, Breakfast After the Bell. The bill calls for practical changes that will

AB 1240 Research Overview

Research overview prepared by CFPA. PDF

AB 1240 Policy Details & Rollout

Summary of policy details and implementation rollout prepared by CFPA. PDF

AB 1240 After the Bell Breakfast Models

A summary of after the bell breakfast models prepared by CFPA. PDF

USDA Proposed Rule

Child and Adult Care Food Program: Meal Pattern Revisions Related to the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. PDF

AB 1240 Sample Support Letter

A sample support letter prepared by CFPA. doc

What You Need to Know to Comment on CACFP Meal Pattern

2.26.2015 On January 9, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a proposed rule with new science-based nutrition standards for meals provided through USDA’s Child

EPA: Public Notification Rule

EPA Public Notification (PN) Rule Resource Guide. PDF
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