Just Launched: Campaign for 6 Month Reporting

12.1.2010 CFPA and co-chairs have launched a Campaign for 6 Month Reporting for CalFresh.

Assembly Member Fuentes Introduces AB 6!

12.6.2010 Assembly Member Felipe Fuentes has introduced AB 6 The CalFRESH Act of 2011: Finding Resources and Eliminating Significant Hurdles. The proposal calls for

CFPA Senior Advocate Matt Sharp Testifies Before Education and Workforce Committee

10.8.2009 Matt Sharp, a Senior Policy Advocate at CFPA, testifies at a Education and Workforce Committee hearing examining innovative practices to improve child nutrition. View Matt’s testimony before the committee. link  

CFPA's CalFresh Forum Wrap-up Now Posted!

2.10.2011 The 2011 CalFresh Forum took place on February 9th in Sacramento, CA. The event was a great success!

Particpant Resources

Event Agenda PDF2011 “Freshy Nominees” PDFForum Speaker Bios PDFForum Panelist Bios PDF

Morning Presentations

Promising Practices from Pennsylvania for Reaching Seniors, Julie Zaebest & Elisa Zygmunt PDF SNAP Trends in 2011, Stacy Dean PDF Transforming Government, Terre Penn PDF Lessons and Practices from Washington PDF Washington State Options Profile PDF Watch the Washington State Video link

Afternoon Workshops

CalFresh Rebranding Workshop Presentation by Laurel Sutton PDF Presentation by Maria Leech PDF Presentation by David Ginsburg PDF 2011 CalFresh Legislation Workshop Information on AB 6 (Fuentes) linkThe CalFresh Act of 2011 Information on SB 43 (Liu) linkHelping the Unemployed Keep CalFresh Benefits Information on AB 69 (Beal) [...]

Read the January 2011 Advocate Sign-on Letter

1.31.2011 In January of 2011, advocates across California joined together to once again address the issues of semi-annual reporting in California. Advocates asked that

Join the BreakfastFirst Webinar Series

1.27.2011 Register here for this interactive series on building & sustaining robust school breakfast programs. Bi-weekly webinars from 2/16-4/27

Brief Slide Show: History of Semi-Annual Reporting

01.19.2011 Download the brief PowerPoint PDF

Webinar: Overview of AB 6 Fuentes

01.18.2011 Download the webinar PowerPoint PDF

Just Released: Report on Status of CACFP in Los Angeles

1.15.2011 CFPA has just released A Growing Gap: The Status of the Child and Adult Care Food Program in Los Angeles. The report focuses on the Child Care Food Program,

CFPA Resource: The 411 on Phone Interviews in California

CFPA’s guide to waiving the face-to-face interview for CalFresh link

Child Care Quality Rating Report Released

1.5.2011 A committee charged with devising a rating system for child care recently released their final report, including some nutrition criteria. Stressing the importance of nutrition and health to child development, CFPA urged the committee to include robust nutrition standards in the quality rating system.

CDE Releases Info Regarding Expansion of Afterschool Meals

1.2.2011 The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 has expanded eligibility for afterschool meal reimbursement in California. CDE has just provided guidance

RENEW Partner Districts Announced!

12.17.2010 Los Angeles Unified, Long Beach Unified, ABC Unified, and El Monte Union High School Districts have been chosen as RENEW partner districts. CFPA and

President Signs Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act

12.13.2010 At a ceremony with the First Lady, President Obama signed a bill to reauthorize the child nutrition programs, including important changes to CACFP.

President Signs CNR; Restore CalFresh/Snap Cuts

December 2010 At a signing ceremony with the First Lady, President Obama signed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act into law today.

Webinar: Campaign Kickoff

12.7.2010 Download the webinar PowerPoint PDF

CNR Expands Afterschool Meals

12.13.2011 Children Nutrition Reauthorization provides a new opportunity to expand the Afterschool Meal Program nationwide. Prior to CNR the Afterschool Meal Program

Classroom Breakfast in Compton Unified

11.27.2010 Compton Unified School District has successfully implemented Classroom Breakfast programs at several elementary schools.

New Analysis Just Released: CalFresh & the Economy

11.17.2010 CalFresh utilization has increased rapidly over the course of the recession, but California is missing out on an estimated $4.9 billion in federal benefits

Related Materials: CDSS/USDA Correspondence

11.01.201 USDA Letter to then Assembly Member John Laird RE:Simplified Reporting (3/06) PDF USDA’s most recent approval of California’s current quarterly reporting waiver (11/07) PDFCalifornia advocates request the denial of CDSS’s 2009 waiver extension request (9/09) PDFUSDA correspondence denying CDSS’s 2009 waiver extension request (9/09) PDFCDSS’s response to [...]

Governor, First Lady & Sec. Belshe Launch "CalFresh"

10.26.11 The new name for The Food Stamp Program in California is finally here! The new CalFresh brand was launched this weekend in Long Beach, CA! Thanks to Assembly Member Jim Beall’s AB 433, the leadership of John Wagner at DSS, and the generous support of

Governor Signs Healthy Beverage Legislation

9.30.2010 At the signing deadline, Governor Schwarzenegger signed a bill to improve the nutrition of beverages served in licensed child care.The bill, AB 2084, was sponsored by CFPA and authored by Assembly Member Julia Brownley.
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